O2 is the mind-boggling victor of a test by associate magazine. The supplier was just missing one point to accomplish the full score of 500 focuses in one piece of the test. Telekom and Vodafone falled behind – likewise in the general outcome.

The test was about the cell phone shops of the suppliers. In the general assessment, O2 was the just one of the four cell phone suppliers tried to get the grade “excellent”. Interface assessed, in addition to other things, the presence of the representatives and the duty and administration exhortation. As right on time as 2019, O2 arose as the victor of the test, yet with an altogether lower number of focuses.
14 of the 25 shops of the O2 brand tried got the grade ‘remarkable’ or ‘awesome’. An O2 shop even accomplished 499 of the greatest conceivable 500 focuses interestingly. This is the O2 shop at Ludgeristraße 5 in Münster. It likewise includes as the best shop in a provincial area. Just associate knows why Münster, as a city with 310,000 occupants, winds up in this classification . In the person “Huge Cities” classification, the shop on Spitaler Str. 6-8 in Hamburg won the “Exceptional” rating with 479 focuses.
In the general assessment, O2 got the grade ‘excellent’ for the presence of the representatives and the levy and administration exhortation. The autonomous O2 analyzers offered the gadget guidance a ‘decent’ generally. Of the complete of 500 focuses to be granted for every one of the 25 shops, O2 accomplished 425 focuses. As the main test competitor, the Munich-based organization accomplished an aftereffect of in excess of 400 focuses.
Organization test : In one point, O2 is superior to Telekom and Vodafone
Regardless of whether Telekom lingered behind O2 with 381 out of 500 focuses, the analyzers said that the confidence of most shop venders was very high, even in the Corona emergency. The descriptive words utilized are skilled and agreeable. At Vodafone, in any case, the associate workers clearly found a couple of representatives who are submitted. “Many specialists […] neither listen cautiously to the client nor get some information about his use conduct,” the analyzers say. A devastating decision. Eventually, there are 359 of 500 focuses.
The supplier mobilcom-debitel additionally works its own shops, which associate investigated. The nature of exhortation is fairly average. Well disposed and respectful, yet a totally different degree of information is the end for the test, which goes from “splendid appearance” to “immediately overpowered”. Eventually, the supplier is comparable to Vodafone: 359 focuses.
In spite of Corona, the article group has not changed the test methodology. From one side of the country to the other, 128 free analyzers visited an aggregate of 200 shops of the four suppliers in urban communities and provincial locales as typical clients in the beyond couple of weeks. The analyzers visited every one of the 25 shops for each supplier on various days of the week, once as typical clients and once as inconsistent clients.