60 GB for 25 euros & can be canceled monthly? Tariffs for frequent surfers on offer

If you can’t do without your favorite series and films when you’re on the go , you need a tariff with a decent data volume. So that you don’t have to pay quite as much for it, freenet now offers a number of tariffs for frequent surfers. Is there something for you too?

Unlimited surfing and great savings with these tariffs
Tariffs for frequent surfers on offer

60 GB data volume for only 25 euros per month or would you prefer unlimited surfing right away ? Both are currently offered to you with tariffs from freenet – and here you can currently save a lot.


With the green LTE 60 GB tariff you get a top tariff for the reduced price of 24.99 euros : In addition to a telephone and SMS flat rate in all German networks, you can surf up to 60 GB of mobile data monthly in the Telefónica network ( LTE) with a bandwidth of 225 Mbit/s. Incidentally, EU roaming is also included. A great deal for all frequent surfers who don’t want to spend too much.

You currently pay EUR 24.99 per month for this powerful tariff instead of EUR 39.99. This price is valid for the first 24 months, which means you can save up to 360 euros. However, this is not a minimum contract period. The tariff can be canceled monthly, which means you remain extremely flexible. There are only one-off connection costs of 39.99 euros.


If 60 GB of data volume is still not enough for you, you should take a look at the Free unlimited Max tariff: Here you get unlimited mobile data in the O 2 network with a bandwidth of 225 Mbit/s. You currently pay EUR 39.99 per month instead of EUR 59.99 for the first 24 months. That’s a whole 480 euros discount over this period. In addition, there are one-time connection costs of 39.99 euros. Important: even if the name is identical to the original from O2 ; the tariff comes from Freenet and does not offer access to the 5G network . That’s why it’s significantly cheaper.

Apart from the fact that you can surf as much as you want with this tariff , you also get an all-network flat rate for telephony and SMS. EU roaming is also included. Especially cool: You don’t have to commit yourself to this offer for a long time, because you can also cancel monthly here. If flexibility is important to you and you want to surf a lot, then Free Unlimited Max for EUR 39.99 could be just the thing for you.