A Plague Tale: Innocence came out for a variety of platforms and consoles. The game will be available for PlayStation 5 on July 6th. We’ll show you what to expect, where the game’s strengths and weaknesses lie dormant and where you can get it cheap.

1 The story of A Plague Tale: Innocence
2 Gameplay
3 The world of A Plague Tale: Innocence
4th Release for the PS5 and Steam Sale
As the name suggests, A Plague Tale: Innocence is a game that was set in France at the time of the bubonic plague. But what exactly happens to the protagonist Amicia and her brother Hugo?
The story of A Plague Tale: Innocence takes us back to 1348 in the Kingdom of France. Here we meet the young Amicia who is hunting with her father. While the two are trying to kill a wild boar with the help of their dog, something incredible happens. Both the wild boar and their dog are attacked and killed from mysterious holes in the ground.
Amicia and her father quickly flee back to the family estate, where Amicia promptly informs her mother about the events. Her mother is currently taking care of her younger brother, Hugo, who is suffering from an apparently incurable disease. A few moments later, Inquisition soldiers arrive at the property and kill Amicia’s father in front of their eyes.
Amicia is instructed by her mother to look after her little brother. She promptly takes his hand, although the two have never had much to do with each other because of Hugo’s illness. The two escape from the house, which is now overrun by Inquisition soldiers, and manage to escape the property. When they flee, however, their mother also loses her life.
The now orphaned children go to the village to look for a doctor named Laurentius. In their search for answers and a possible cure for Hugo’s illness, the two wander through the country. They realize how much the bubonic plague has changed the country and the people. Hardly anything is the way it used to be.
A Plague Tale: Innocence is an action adventure and stealth game. For you, this means that a quiet, considered approach and a well-thought-out strategy are of great importance here. So it’s not a shooter where the gameplay is fast and almost unmanageable, but a slightly slower game. However, this gives the developers the opportunity to build small puzzles into their levels, which you will then solve in the course of the game.
You play as Amicia and Hugo is always by your side. Amicia has several abilities, but only one of them can actually be used to inflict direct damage on enemies. This is her slingshot, with which she can take out human opponents.

However, humans hardly play the most important role as opponents in A Plague Tale. As in real life, the plague is transmitted by rats and there are many, even tons, of them in the game. Your goal is to avoid swarming rats and scare them away with light. It doesn’t matter whether the light is created by torches or Amicia’s alchemical abilities.
These skills can also be used to take out your human opponents. For example, use alchemy to extinguish their torches and hunt a horde of rats on them. All these diverse game mechanisms make A Plague Tale: Innocence varied and despite alchemical skills, hardly any puzzle seems completely fictional.
At first glance, the game world of A Plague Tale: Innocence is melancholy, empty and gloomy. In your search for answers you will explore villages devastated by the plague, meet desperate people at the end of their minds. The game itself always guides you towards safety , but that doesn’t mean you don’t get an impression of the cruelty of this world.
A Plague Tale: Innocence is not for the faint of heart. The gloomy atmosphere arouses feelings of despair and embodies the immense suffering of the people. The whole world is built with attention to detail and gives an, if not completely realistic, insight into the world at the time of the bubonic plague. One thing is definitely clear: the bubonic plague was a devastating disease that paralyzed and frightened an entire continent. The terror and fear of this terrible disease persisted for generations.
Despite the fact that A Plague Tale: Innocence was first published in 2019, it remains relevant to this day. With brilliant reviews and a steadily growing fan base, it was foreseeable that this game would also receive a port for the PlayStation 5. On July 6th, the time has come, A Plague Tale: Innocence is coming to your PS5.
For players on the PC, there is good news: If this insight has aroused in the game your interest, then you can Plague A Tale: Innocence until 8 July at the Steam Summer Sale offer received. The game is currently reduced by 75 percent from 45 euros and therefore only costs you around 11 euros!