The sad truth is: most of the time, many people’s posture is wrong. Above all, those who sit at a desk a lot tend to crouch a lot. The consequence: back pain. We’ll show you how you can do something good for your back at home with the help of apps and videos.

1-Top 3 YouTubers for a healthy back
Liebscher and Bracht
Mady Morrison
2-Top 3 apps: exercises for a strong back
Ratiopharm back school
Kaia Health App
3-Healthy back: tips for in between
You know it: you sit at your desk all day, work or study. The back groans, is cramped from sitting too much and always having the same posture. You may be sitting on a simple wooden chair that does little justice to your back. The result: back pain. What can you do about it? You can give your back a little help by doing regular exercise, such as stretching. No complex workout is necessary for this, just a few minutes a day are enough. You can find instructions online so that you don’t strain your back even more, but can get through everyday life with a healthy back.
Liebscher and Bracht
These names should be familiar to many people, because the physiotherapists are well known. So these are not YouTubers in the narrower sense, but rather experts who spread their tips and tricks via the platform, among other things. You will find various videos specifically for back problems: there are small workouts for every day, stretching exercises for a cramped lumbar spine or countermeasures for a hollow back. The exercises are explained in German and step by step by Liebscher-Bracht and demonstrated by yourself or with the help of another person. This should prevent incorrect execution of the exercises.
Mady Morrison
Yoga teacher Mady Morrison generally offers yoga classes on her YouTube channel . It doesn’t matter whether you’re a beginner or an advanced student: the videos are declared with the different levels so that you don’t run the risk of getting into a lesson that is too complicated. In addition to morning and evening routines, exercises for the neck or stretching the hips, she also offers a number of videos to help with back pain. The yoga videos aim to get a healthy and flexible back in the long term. Morrison also guides you step-by-step through the course in German and does the exercises at the same time.
The third in the group, who deal with back pain on YouTube, among other things, are the experts from Ergotopia. It is actually an office furniture company that specializes in ergonomic furniture and, according to its own statement, works with a scientific advisory board. In addition to furniture, there are also videos with instructions for back pain in the home office. Various sports scientists guide you through the exercises and demonstrate them yourself. The offer is diverse, so that the individual videos are aimed specifically at beginners, people with back pain or especially at those who have problems in their upper back.
Ratiopharm back school
The drug manufacturer with the characteristic pair of twins in its advertising, Ratiopharm, has its own app on offer. The “back school” specializes in back problems and therefore only offers exercises for this area of the body. You can choose from a total of 24 exercises, which are divided into different categories – for example workouts for at home, the office or on the go. However, the app does not indicate whether the exercises are suitable for beginners or advanced users. Here you have to take a close look and consider whether the exercise suits your pain, especially if you have serious problems. You can then put together an individual training plan. The app is free for Android and iOS.
Kaia Health App
Kaia Health is a medical product and is CE certified. Various experts work in the background to ensure the quality of the exercises from a physiotherapeutic point of view. The app offers more than 150 exercises that are guided by video and performed by a trainer. Before you happily stretch your back, Kaia Health asks about your pain and other circumstances in order to get to know your suffering in detail. From this, the app creates a training plan tailored to you, which is up to 30 minutes long. Once you have completed the plan, you can give feedback and let us know whether the plan suits you. In addition to workouts, Kaia Health also offers relaxation exercises and the opportunity to view background information on the topic.
But the holistic approach also has its price: The Pro model costs 99 euros per month, and there is no free trial version. However, since it is a medical device, you can ask your health insurance company whether the costs will be (partially) reimbursed.
You can also use the “BackDoc” from the comfort of your own home to fight your back pain. This is an app that wants to help you strengthen your back muscles and spine.
Exercises are explained step by step in videos and guided with pictures and text. There are different levels of difficulty depending on the patient. The aim is to build up both the mobility and the stability of the body in the long term. Old habits and movement patterns should be broken. In order to achieve this goal, the “Back Doc” provides further information and explanatory videos that explain, for example, how a herniated disc develops.
This app is not free either. Cost: 10.99 euros. In addition, the “Back Doc” is currently only available for iOS.
In this article we will show you how to set up your workplace in the home office correctly and, above all, ergonomically . If you also want to do something for your back and your mobility in between, you should pay attention to more dynamics in your workplace. This includes, for example, working standing up from time to time or having to walk long distances to devices. That means: Put your accessories, the printers, a little further away from your desk. If you work in the office and need to speak to a colleague, see them in person instead of calling or texting them. The same applies if you work from home and communicate with family members. It is also helpful to consciously change your sitting position regularly.
If in doubt, find out from your health insurance company which offers they offer for a healthy back. Many offer special programs that you can enroll in and sometimes get reimbursed for.
If you are one of those people who find it difficult to get up to exercise regularly, reminders are recommended. On the one hand, this works analogously on notes. On the other hand, the apps mentioned also offer reminder functions. Alternatively, you can set a notification on your cell phone or use smartwatches that automatically remind you to get up after a long break.