Blackberry KEYone Bronze Edition: New shading variation in the plan check

The Canadian cell phone producer Blackberry introduced its key cell phone KEYone in another gander at the CES 2018. The cell phone will soon likewise be accessible in bronze. The editors have assembled every one of the insights concerning the new form of the cell phone. There is additionally a review of the Blackberry year 2018 – with Android Oreo, new capacities and new cell phones.

Chapter by chapter guide

1 BlackBerry KEYone Bronze Edition in the plan check

2 Additional update for KEYone reported

3 CES 2018: Two new Blackberry models reported for 2018

fourth New KEYone variation at IFA: More memory and another plan

5 The KEYone in the test

sixth Price and accessibility

The Blackberry KEYone went onto the German market in May 2017 and ought to charm clients who not just need to call an undeniable cell phone their own, yet in addition incline toward haptic catches for just shy of 600 euros. With the QWERTY console including finger impression sensor and unreservedly assignable keys, you are basically alone on the lookout and offer a novel cell phone. After a variation with a bigger memory and a matt dark line was introduced at the IFA, another optical update has now been introduced at the CES.

A year prior, the gadget was displayed as the Blackberry Mercury at the Las Vegas exchange reasonable . After the pristine model of the maker, the Blackberry Motion, has been known for quite a while, just the new “bronze” shading variation will be in plain view at CES 2018.

Blackberry KEYone Bronze Edition: Press pictures

In fact, the bronze adaptation doesn’t conceal the fundamental model of the Blackberry KEYone , however the one with the refreshed memory arrangement : specifically 64 GB of capacity and 4 GB of RAM. Since the fundamental plan of the BlackBerry KEYone is held in the new form, there is next to no space left for the bronze surface to become possibly the most important factor. Just the edge is bronze-shaded here.

This new variation should go onto the market in the initial not many months of the new year – apparently additionally in the alleged DACH locale, which incorporates Germany, Austria and Switzerland .


BlackBerry has given its KEYone a shading update for the subsequent time. With the bronze variant, there are presently three distinct models that vary not just as far as shading. The new KEYone is prepared like the Black Edition and subsequently has somewhat more capacity in the engine than the standard model.

Upon first contact with the cell phone, it rapidly turns out to be evident that nothing has truly changed separated from the shading looking into the issue. In any case, the shading is more viable with the general plan on the front than on the back. There the mix of the ruddy orange-sparkly metal and the carbon fiber optics appears to be fairly grievous. On the front, then again, the KEYone is exceptionally rich and the new shading sparkles with the console.

Blackberry KEYone Bronze Hands-On


Notwithstanding the Oreo refreshes, Blackberry representative Camille Gere has uncovered another update plan to within article group: According to this, there will before long be an update for the KEYone that will move the comfort key programming of the BlackBerry Motion to the KEYone will bring. The product was at that point coordinated in the bronze model and is hence straightforwardly accessible available in this variation. The Locker programming of the Motion is utilized for this. This makes it conceivable, for instance, to save pictures straightforwardly in a scrambled envelope and subsequently forestall unapproved access or capacity in the cloud. The update is coming “in the coming months”. All things considered, it will arrive at the primary clients as ahead of schedule as February.


Notwithstanding the Oreo refreshes, Blackberry representative Camille Gere has uncovered another update plan to within publication group: According to this, there will before long be an update for the KEYone that will move the accommodation key programming of the BlackBerry Motion to the KEYone will bring. The product was at that point incorporated in the bronze model and is thusly straightforwardly accessible available in this variation. The Locker programming of the Motion is utilized for this. This makes it conceivable, for instance, to save pictures straightforwardly in a scrambled envelope and hence forestall unapproved access or capacity in the cloud. The update is coming “in the coming months”. All things considered, it will arrive at the primary clients as ahead of schedule as February.


As a feature of its exchange reasonable appearance, TCL Communication reported something like two new Blackberry cell phones for 2018. Nonetheless, further subtleties won’t be uncovered. The organization might utilize the MWC stage in February for the main new show. There may likewise be a gadget with an actual console to look at again – in the practice of the KEYone. For the current models – KEYone and Motion – they are caught up with chipping away at the rollout of Android 8.0 Oreo, as Alex Thurber from Blackberry uncovers in the CES proclamation report.


Blackberry introduced the new stockpiling variation at IFA 2017: Specifically, the capacity limits changed from 32 to 64 GB of information stockpiling and from 3 to 4 GB of RAM. The RAM development will likely add to a smoother client experience. The expanded inward memory could make memory development through miniature SD card old for some clients .

As far as configuration, Blackberry introduced another dark variation toward the finish of August 2017. The aluminum outline comes in obscurity tone and there could be no other corner that sparkles in an alternate tone. With the new form, the camera bezel, the Blackberry logo and the splitting strips between the console lines presently don’t show up in silver, yet in dark.

IFA 2017: Blackberry KeyONE Black Edition


The new BlackBerry cell phone was very generally welcomed by the publication staff. The plan, yet in addition the actual console – which is at last a question of taste – was observed to be reviving and person. In the further course of the test, the durable battery, the great camera and the in-house security programming were likewise ready to assume praise, so a decent end-product of 4 of the most extreme 5 potential stars could be accomplished. Just the nearly exorbitant cost and the somewhat obsolete innovation got analysis.


The new form of the Blackbery KEYone doesn’t have a precise delivery date yet. Blackberry dispatched the dark adaptation in the second from last quarter of 2017. The bronze variant ought to continue in the principal quarter of 2018. It isn’t totally sure that the new form will likewise be accessible in Germany. In Germany, the KEYone Black Edition is sold for 649 euros and costs 50 euros more than its silver twin – the essential model. For a gadget that fundamentally has a couple of months added to its repertoire, a cost increment because of the expanded memory is just somewhat reasonable. The bronze rendition shouldn’t be a lot less expensive.