Blanc: A cute video game and an unlikely friendship

Blanc tells the story of two animals who embark on a long journey through solitude. As they search for their families, an unlikely friendship develops between the wolf and the deer.

Blanc on test


1-A video game without violence
Blanc’s story
The gameplay
2-Blanc – An art project
3-Our verdict on Blanc

Blanc is an incredibly cute video game in which you help a young wolf and a fawn to find their families. On their journey, an unlikely but strong friendship develops between the two. However, Blanc is very different from most video games . You can find out why in our test.


Blanc’s story

Blanc tells a story without ever saying a word. You start the game as a lonely young wolf left behind by his pack. A short time later you meet a fawn that has suffered a similar fate. Since the tracks of the two packs run in the same direction, the wolf and the deer start to follow them together. After a short time it becomes clear that they cannot make the difficult journey alone and are dependent on each other. Together the wolf and the deer overcome difficult obstacles, find a way past ravines and buildings. Their friendship and the hope of seeing their families again drives them on.

How will the journey of the two end? Can they find their families and rejoin them? The game raises a lot of questions that will keep you busy throughout your journey.

The gameplay

In Blanc you control both the wolf and the deer with one controller. These controls take a little getting used to, and especially when the two switch sides on the screen, the controls quickly become confusing . If you want to control both animals at the same time, you definitely have to practice a little until it works perfectly. The developers recommend playing with a controller. We can underline this recommendation, because the key assignment of the keyboard control takes more than getting used to.

Can you make your way through the snowy world?

Otherwise, Blanc’s gameplay is mainly one thing: relaxing. There are no timers rushing you, no dangers, no enemies. You have all the time in the world for the lovingly designed puzzles, it doesn’t matter if you need a second attempt.


Overall, Blanc gives us the impression that it is a beautiful work of art. The game’s drawing style is beautiful, the world seems peaceful, and the locations in the game are designed with great detail. The quiet music in the background elegantly underlines this impression, the game manages to immerse you in the world of Blanc. Short cinematic sequences tell the story of the two and give you an insight into the condition of the animals on their search.

Especially the aspect of loneliness is incredibly effective in the game. Except for the two animals, the world is completely deserted and empty. However, the game does not seem lonely to you , as the two characters always stride through the world together. Blanc also shows how much empathy we as humans have for animals. We hardly know anything about the history and world of the two animals, but we still empathize with their situation and root for them every step of the way.

Blanc tells a story without words.


Overall, we can recommend Blanc to everyone, gamers or not. The game tells a beautiful story while challenging you without putting you under any pressure. The game conveys a certain calm that is otherwise rarely associated with video games. Animal lovers in particular will find what they are looking for here. The design of the game is so loving that everyone’s heart will probably open. However, the game is quite short, with some players reporting that they completed it in around 2 hours. So the journey through Blanc is beautiful, but not very long.

Blanc currently costs you 15 euros. You can buy it on Steam , the Epic Games Store and for the Nintendo Switch . It’s nice that you can play the game locally for two. It is therefore particularly suitable for friends or partners who want to spend a quiet evening together with a video game.


-cute story
-Gorgeous graphics
-Great soundtrack


-Complicated controls
-Short playing time