Car sharing takeover: WeShare from VW disappears from the market

The market shakeout on the car sharing market continues. The carsharing company Miles has now taken over one of its biggest competitors. What does this mean for WeShare customers and what will change?

Miles car sharing
Miles car sharing

Miles Mobility took over its previous car sharing competitor WeShare on November 1, 2022. Volkswagen AG, via Urban Mobility International GmbH, was behind WeShare, a fully electric car-sharing provider. WeShare was last active with around 2,000 vehicles in Berlin and Hamburg. If you are a WeShare user, nothing should change for the time being. The WeShare service will continue to run as usual for the time being, Miles said. In the coming weeks, the WeShare vehicles and customers will be migrated to the Miles ecosystem as part of the takeover. Then everything changes for you, because the previous WeShare service will continue to run under the name MILES in the MILES app.


Miles emphasizes that Miles customers will then benefit from a larger e-fleet. As a previous WeShare customer, you will then have access to “a significantly larger and more diverse fleet of vehicles,” as Miles puts it. In addition to Hamburg and Berlin, you can also rent vehicles in six other German cities and in two Belgian cities. The additional German cities are Munich, Potsdam, Cologne, Düsseldorf, Bonn and Duisburg,

There are also new functions for you as a WeShare user, such as city-to-city trips and trips abroad. More than 11,000 vehicles in Germany and Belgium will be available in the future, Miles says.

“We are pleased to expand our long-standing cooperation with the Volkswagen Group through the mobility partnership,” the company said in a statement. “With the takeover of WeShare, we are taking another important step towards a reliable, comfortable and sustainable form of mobility as an alternative to your own car. In order to continue on this path, we want to become Europe’s leading car sharing platform.”

In the coming weeks, time will be taken to prepare for the migration while ensuring that both customer groups “can continue to use an excellent mobility service”.