Christmas with a child: The best ideas against boredom

The Christmas tree is up, the temperature is approaching 0°C and the Christmas bakery has been open for months. In short: Christmas is just around the corner! But what is the best way to keep the kids busy during the Christmas holidays? We tell.

Christmas with a child: The best ideas against boredom


1-Educational activities for children during the Christmas holidays
2-After work comes the fun
(Free) online games
(Children’s) films for the whole family
3-To read or not to read, that is the question
4-Joint activities with the children at Christmas

Today the Christmas holidays start in many federal states. And the other countries will follow in the coming days. Means: The offspring is at home and wants to be entertained. A task that is a lot of fun on the one hand, but can also be exhausting in the long run – especially when you run out of ideas. But don’t worry, the digital world offers many interesting, fun and even educational entertainment options. And we are by no means exclusively talking about films and computer games. From joint sports activities to (audio) books, everything is included.


Work comes first, then pleasure. If the children have a little catching up to do with the subject matter, learning apps and tools, some of which are aimed at elementary school students and some at high school graduates, can help. Well-known names such as the Duden Learnattack platform and Simpleclub will be there. And some of the applications can even be used for free.

There is also the opportunity to use the Christmas holidays to master a new language or to expand your existing knowledge during the Christmas season. For this purpose, there are several applications, some of which are free of charge, which can even be used to make learning fun.


(Free) online games

As soon as the children have invested enough holiday time in learning, relaxation in the form of games is the order of the day. Whether offline or digital: Most children should already be well equipped when it comes to games. However, since the same games can get boring over time, variety should always be welcome – especially if you can also spend time with your friends digitally. We are of course talking about so-called multiplayer games. Some of them can also be played comfortably on the smartphone.

And there is also a suitable solution for the often discussed problem of insufficient exercise: not only can you pass the time with fitness games, you can also do something for your body. Some games also allow the user to dive into virtual worlds and experience immersive adventures.

(Children’s) films for the whole family

If they have a subscription, children can also use video-on-demand services such as Amazon Prime Video or Netflix . As usual, they are expanding their program this month with numerous films and series.

Movie nights together can also be a good idea during the Christmas holidays. Unfortunately, Netflix usually releases the same children’s films and series over and over again. Fortunately , there are secret codes that parents can use to specifically search for children’s & family movies. Video streaming search engines also generally reveal where which films are currently being streamed:

And if you want something more Christmassy, ​​you will find the most beautiful Christmas classics for the whole family in this article . Furthermore, one of the best Christmas children’s series can currently be watched for free. All information about the free TV program and stream here .


Books are great things. They kidnap you into foreign worlds, expand your knowledge, impart wisdom and – keep the children off your back for a while during the Christmas holidays. In short, books are a great way to relax, both for you and for the children themselves. Thanks to modern technology, you can now keep entire libraries on your smartphone. You can find out which book apps are the best in our guide.

While the written word counts, children are often too young or not focused enough to read entire books. In this case, audio books are a good option. We took a look at the five best podcast and audio book apps and give you an overview. And the overview also extends to the best science fiction audio books.


Anyone who thinks of films and games when they hear the word “apps” is wrong. Because there are also numerous applications that provide movement – in the truest sense of the word. With sports and fitness apps , you can not only entertain the children, but also do something good for your health.

The reward follows. We’ve rounded up a few cooking apps that will put those pounds lost from exercise back into their rightful place. Not only does time fly by when you cook together , you also get a delicious meal afterwards.