Client freeze at N26: These are the purposes for the cell phone bank

Is bank N26 acting excessively unsafe? Essentially it appears to have clear lacks as far as hazard the board, which currently has extraordinary results. BaFin intercedes and forces a development limitation on N26.

The web bank N26 is developing. Furthermore, that rapidly. Official figures on the number of new clients the Neobank produces every month are not known. Notwithstanding, as per industry insiders, it ought to be 100,000 every month, as announced by Spiegel Online . The upside of N26 is that everything is dealt with by means of the cell phone and the Internet. Likewise, there are relatively couple of obstacles to opening a current record without sharing a ton of information about yourself. Therefore, the bank more than once has security issues – and has been for quite a while.

The current record in the cell phone: cell phone banks in examination

Tax evasion and unlawful exchanges bring the Berlin cell phone bank once more into public memory over and over with negative features, which the Tagesschau detailed , in addition to other things . The Federal Financial Supervisory Authority (BaFin) as of now made inferences from this in October and declared a limitation on development for N26. Since the bank held up a protest, the help currently is taking effect right now, as the Office illuminates .But what’s the significance here precisely? N26 is simply permitted to acknowledge new clients partially. From this point forward, just 50,000 clients each month are permitted – and that in every single working country. Berliner Bank works in 25 nations and presently has 7 million clients.


Exhaustively, it is regarding what is known as “functional flexibility”. This guarantees that the bank can keep up with business exercises even in troublesome occasions. Here, be that as it may, BaFin sees the exceptional weaknesses: “Explicitly, BaFin requested the disposal of inadequacies, especially in hazard the board in the space of data innovation and reevaluating the executives.” were accounted for. This brought about a fine of multiple million euros.

The actions that have now been basically since November sixth are planned to “wipe out issues in the avoidance of tax evasion and fear based oppressor financing,” as per BaFin. An exceptional agent given by the workplace should now guarantee that the Berliner Bank executes the actions instantly. As indicated by Spiegel Online, N26 comprehends the BaFin necessities as a trust put in it and doesn’t see itself restricted in its development way. “With this choice, we can proceed with our development course,” the magazine quotes N26 prime supporter Valentin Stalf.