DHL package conveyance: This choice is new

With the package administration DHL you have had the option to pick numerous choices for bundle conveyance for quite a while . A stopping license or conveyance on one more day are only two of them. Presently there is evidently an additional opportunity.

DHL parcel center Rüdersdorf

It is currently additionally conceivable to decline to acknowledge the DHL package with a tick of the mouse. The reports that the bundle Shipping – and getting particular internet based entryway. Up to this point, you generally needed to meet your bundle transporter by and by to decline acknowledgment. In case you weren’t there and he left it with the neighbors or a level rate concurred capacity area, the bundle was considered to have been conveyed.

You can choose the new “Decline acknowledgment” work online in DHL’s shipment following under “You are not here?”. Nonetheless, a test by our article group showed that this doesn’t make a difference to all bundles. Mail request organizations, for instance, are presently changing to a less expensive type of delivery, particularly for more modest and less important things. These bundles, known as products mail, have a following number, however conveyance is frequently completed by the mailman and the following isn’t as nitty gritty. As it would now be able to be seen, the new “Reject acknowledgment” work isn’t initiated all things considered.


To decline to acknowledge the bundle, you need to enter the beneficiary’s postal division to affirm. This is generally your own. Simultaneously, notwithstanding, as reports, you can likewise get back to bundles that you have as of now sent. This could be intriguing, for instance, if you sold a thing secretly, however succumbed to a fraudster and the cash didn’t come.

However, the reverse way around, it can likewise transform into a shoe: the other individual can likewise get “his” DHL bundle back with a straightforward snap of the mouse – all things considered, he knows your postcode from the delivery. As revealed by, the advanced refusal of acknowledgment can’t be found in the public web based following of the packages.

All packages for which acknowledgment is denied – regardless of whether computerized or individual – are gotten back to the location given as the sender on the bundle. This doesn’t really need to be the sender’s location by the same token. Since no acknowledgment point is annoyed when you hand in a bundle in Berlin that has a sender address in Munich.