Easyjet makes a radical stride – Lufthansa specifically is satisfied

Tough situations for Berlin as an aeronautics area. In no time before the launch of the new BER air terminal in half a month, the biggest carrier in Berlin to date, Easyjet, has reported an intense cut. With sensational results. Just the opposition is cheerful.

Traveling with EasyJet? 
From Berlin only possible to a limited extent.

Chapter by chapter list

1 Easyjet: Berlin is a misfortune creator

2 Connections inside Germany are presently not accessible

3 Corona Roulette: Nobody can investigate what’s to come

fourth Aviation charge makes flying from Germany costly

After the emergency is before the emergency. Numerous Easyjet workers who are positioned in Berlin should feel like this or something almost identical. Since at the Berlin base of the British minimal expense carrier, things as of now not happen as they did before the Corona lockdown. As per steady media reports, Easyjet is cutting back its armada at Tegel and Schönefeld air terminals, placing numerous representatives before the entryway and furthermore making Lufthansa cheer. Since with the new arrangement of Easyjet, Lufthansa is getting its very own significant piece technique served solely on the silver plate, in a manner of speaking.


In addition to other things, the rbb reports, refering to interior records, that Easyjet has chosen to diminish the quantity of airplane positioned in Berlin from 34 to 18. This implies that less workers are required. More than 700 lose their positions. Stephan Erler, Easyjet supervisor answerable for the German market, talks about the difficulties that actually exist “which have made it difficult to be beneficial in Berlin up until now”. At the end of the day: Easyjet is making misfortunes with its tasks in Berlin. Erler proceeds: “The remainder of the organization is as of now not ready to make up for this.”

Berlin keeps on assuming a significant part in Easyjet’s preparation, yet less significantly. One focuses on “making the right decision for the organization, its drawn out presence and its prosperity,” says Easyjet manager Johan Lundgren.


As an initial step, Easyjet has obviously chosen to zero in on unmistakable courses later on. For instance, to objections in Europe that are sought after and to occasion objections. Conversely, homegrown German flights are presently don’t part of the Easyjet methodology. “A few courses will be shut because of an absence of benefit possibilities. This additionally incorporates the homegrown German business offers “, proceeds with Erler. They can at this point don’t be reserved.

Also, that is by and large the point that Lufthansa will be glad about. Since with the Easyjet choice, Lufthansa and Eurowings, which has a place with the gathering, are by and by unparalleled in homegrown air traffic. Easyjet had assumed control over some homegrown German associations from the wiped out Air Berlin. There were departures from Berlin to Düsseldorf, Cologne, Munich and Stuttgart, among others. As a matter of fact, they should begin again from September. Nothing will happen to it now. The outcome is that Lufthansa can direct the costs on these courses voluntarily. Flights ought to be as needs be costly.


Regardless, how the Covid spreads is unequivocal for the fate of flight . If, for instance, another wave shows up in pre-winter, which again brings about a lockdown, this is probably going to have sensational outcomes – for the whole economy.

If, then again, there is no subsequent wave, it isn’t only the flight business that will continuously (further) recuperate. And afterward it is very conceivable that Easyjet will likewise allow its Berlin to base develop once more. Obviously, this isn’t normal temporarily, rather comparable to the year 2022 or even 2023.

What’s more, that is the reason business as usual is obviously a hard blow for impacted workers. One who was clearly not normal. For instance, an airline steward told the rbb: “We accepted that there would be work cuts. In any case, that it comes so hard is truly frustrating. “


Incidentally, it ought not be failed to remember that the flying expense material in Germany is an extra weight for some aircrafts. Albeit the assessment is fundamentally used to ensure the environment, it additionally implies greater expenses. A carrier presently needs to pay 12.90 euros for each traveler taking off from Germany to an objective in Europe. In huge pieces of North Africa and the Middle East, 32.67 euros per traveler are expected. Other intercontinental associations are even associated with an additional charge of 58.82 euros.