“How many camels am I worth?” – The funniest Google searches of 2022

You are not a big fan of annual reviews and consider them too dry or simply uninteresting? Then our review is just right for you. Because this does not address numbers or facts. Stadtessen gives you a whole load of funny Google searches.

Funny google searches

Christmas gifts are nice. Or fireworks on New Year’s Eve . But there is another thing that gives us all even more joy at the end of the year: year reviews! Do you want to disagree? Good! In that case, your judgment is fine. But a review of the year does not necessarily have to be dry and boring. We have prepared a slightly different annual review for you. In focus: the funniest Google searches of 2022.


This compilation proves: although we wouldn’t admit it publicly, we are interested in the most wondrous things. Just a few years ago we were forced to keep such questions to ourselves. But now there is the internet and we can finally quench our thirst for knowledge. It starts with a question that interests us all: ” How many camels am I worth?” “ In 2022, around 21,000 people (the numbers reflect the number of monthly searches) asked themselves this question. But there were also other “interesting” searches.

Another question asked by 13,700 truth seekers revolves around our little friends the koalas. We seem to be primarily interested in the following: “ How do koalas react to stress? And human biology seems to cause headaches not only for scientists, but also for the average consumer (11,400 searches). In particular, this aspect: “ How many bones does a person have? In line with this (keyword: biology), many also seem to be concerned about healthy eating. Now are you thinking of boiled rice with chicken breast and vegetables? Wrong thought! With 10,600 searches, we are much more interested in the question: ” How many calories does a doner kebab have?” “

Let’s continue with a question that mathematicians, historians and frustrated students in particular should find exciting – 8,000 in number: ” Who invented math? And if, contrary to expectations, the question remains unanswered, perhaps the 6,700 searchers who need the following information will find what they are looking for: “ How many words does the German language have? Tip: “Drölf” isn’t a real word, we checked!

Now to our political, economic and technical expertise: On election day, 3,950 voters asked themselves the quite legitimate question: “ Who can I vote for today? ‘ A little less, 3,800 people, were trying to improve their financial situation a bit and therefore searched online for answers to the question: ‘ How do I get rich? Once that’s done, you have one less thing to worry about and you can afford an iPhone. Any iPhone it seems. Because every month 2,350 Apple users ask themselves the question: ” Which iPhone do I have? “

Last but not least, an interesting and completely unbiased observation: The number of search queries “ cleaning lady wanted ” and “ dream woman wanted ” are almost the same at 5,850 to 5,550.


At the end of this year’s review, we would like to present two more special features: First, there is the search query ” nail designs Christmas “. Basically nothing special. However, with 8,100 searches, the search query is in sixth place on the list for the keyword “Christmas”. Consequently, nail designs are one of the most important topics around Christmas. And then there’s one last search query that, with just two words and a search volume of 4,750, is able to put a smile on people’s faces: ” Address Santa Claus “.