Important FritzOS update for FritzBoxes, WLAN repeaters and powerline adapters

Do you use AVM WLAN technology? Then you should definitely check whether a new update is available for your hardware. On the one hand because of newly usable functions, but above all because of your WLAN security .

Among other things, the FritzBox 7430 receives an important update.

1 FritzOS 7.27 for other Fritz products
2 How do I install a FritzBox update?
Perform update on FritzBox
Update to FritzRepeater
Update to FritzPowerline

The AVM update wave continues. After various FritzBox models have already received an update to FritzOS 7.27 in the past few weeks , two more WLAN routers from the manufacturer from Berlin are now following . But not only that. A WLAN repeater and a powerline adapter are also equipped with the latest version of the FritzOS software, which is currently in its final version.


FritzOS is now also available for the entry-level router FritzBox 4040 and for the FritzBox 7430. Before that, the appropriate update to FritzOS 7.27 was also available for the FritzBox 5530 Fiber. If you use the FritzRepeater 2400 WLAN repeater to expand your WLAN network in the house or apartment, a corresponding update is now also possible and provides some error corrections . This also applies to the new update for the FritzPowerline 1260E powerline adapter . With powerline adapters, you can use your house’s power grid to distribute the Internet data from the router to other rooms.

FritzOS 7.27 is important for one reason above all: The new firmware eliminates the risk of being attacked by so-called FragAttacks . And that can end dangerously. Because the security gap not only allows an attack on the wireless router itself. Devices connected to the wireless router can also be attacked by hackers. Therefore an update as soon as possible is recommended. Incidentally, this also applies to all other WLAN routers. Because not only AVM products are vulnerable to FragAttacks.


The good news is: In order to install the latest FritzOS update, no in-depth software or hardware knowledge is required. The installation can be installed on all AVM products in next to no time using the intuitive FritzOS interface. However, the update process differs slightly between FritzBox / FritzRepeater and FritzPowerline.

Perform update on FritzBox

Call in a web browser of your choice, the address on
Click on “System” in the main menu on the left
Select “Update” in the submenu that opens
Click on “Find new FritzOS” at the bottom right
Confirm the download and installation by clicking on “Start update”

Update to FritzRepeater

Call in a Web browser of your choice, the address fritz.repeater on
Click on “System” in the main menu on the left
Select “Update” in the submenu that opens
Click on “Find new FritzOS” at the bottom right
Confirm the download and installation by clicking on “Start update”

Update to FritzPowerline

Call in a Web browser of your choice, the address on
Click on “Home Network” in the main menu on the left
Select “Mesh” or home network overview in the submenu that opens
Select the relevant Powerline adapter and click on “Perform update”
Alternatively, as a user of a powerline adapter, you can also use the FritzPowerline program to carry out an update.