Ingenious function: Huawei shows Samsung and Co. what all cell phones lack

After the US government’s blow against Huawei and the resulting crash, a major comeback is on the horizon. An ingenious function casts its shadow and shows in an impressive way what all cell phones have been missing up to now.

Huawei shows Samsung and Co. what all cell phones lack

A few years ago, when Samsung and Apple dominated the cell phone market, the then-newcomer became Huaweioften smiled at. The Chinese copied the design of the iPhone here and there and pushed onto the market with comparatively cheap Android phones. Nobody would have thought at the time that they would even be able to leave Apple and Samsung behind just a few years later. It is true that the cell phone manufacturer almost completely disappeared from the scene after the US ban. But behind the scenes, preparations are underway for a major comeback. Once again, the Chinese are smiled at by many. This time for your operating system, HarmonyOS. But Huawei could turn the mobile phone world upside down again. An ingenious function shows that you can be more innovative than Apple and Samsung together – even without Android and Play Store.

Already in mid-2019 it became clear : Huawei wants to create an alternative to Android and iOS. Work on the operating system has intensified since the ban of former US President Donald Trump at the latest. In the coming months, Huawei wants to roll out HarmonyOS to its mobile phone users. There is also a function that is innovative and yet logical. However, long-established manufacturers have not thought of it.

Huawei smartphones with HarmonyOS are supposed to recognize chargers that can cause damage to the cell phone. It is true that smartphones have long recognized chargers that they do not charge using the fast charging process, although the cell phones can. When plugging in the cable, the user sees on the display that his smartphone is then not charged as quickly as with the original charger. The fact that a cell phone also recognizes chargers and cables that can cause damage is new.

Huawei ensures that users use the original chargers supplied for charging. Or, if not available, buy one from the manufacturer. This binds buyers, but also ensures that users no longer have to worry about a fire or defect in their cell phone due to cheap chargers.