iOS 15: The new elements for your iPhone and when the update will come

FaceTime with Android clients, another center mode and programmed message and picture acknowledgment: With iOS 15, Apple is carrying incalculable new elements to your iPhone. We’ll provide you with an outline of the new capacities that anticipate you with the update.

iOS 15 presented: An overview of the new features for your iPhone

Chapter by chapter list

1 When is iOS 15 coming?

2 FaceTime in iOS 15 for Android clients as well

3 iMessage sorts your photographs and connections

fourth iOS 15 further develops message pop-ups

5 Siri perceives text and articles

6thSave ID and driver’s permit in the iPhone? Not in Germany

seventh Weather and guides are turning out to be more lovely and useful

eighth Many new capacities likewise for iPad, Mac, Apple Watch and that’s only the tip of the iceberg

With iOS 15, Apple not just outfits individual applications with new and amended capacities, yet additionally offers many new provisions that can be utilized across all applications in the whole framework. This year, Apple likewise positioned specific accentuation on notices and introduced a few enhancements here. We’ll show you an outline of the relative multitude of new components.


At the dispatch of iOS 15, Apple didn’t uncover an accurate date when you can introduce iOS 15 on your iPhone. One talked uniquely of “this pre-winter”. After the Apple occasion with the presentation of the new iPhone 13 and the new iPad smaller than expected , Apple is currently likewise reporting the update date. What’s more, that will continue in a couple of days. The opportunity has arrived on September twentieth and all iPhone clients will be offered the new programming on their cell phones.

iOS 15 is accessible on all iPhones that likewise run iOS 14. The 6-year-old iPhone 6S and iPhone SE (first Gen) are as yet upheld.


For some iPhone clients, FaceTime is the favored application for settling on sound and video decisions with companions or family. With iOS 15, the assistance was extended to incorporate various provisions. Interestingly, likewise with Zoom or Skype, you can make greeting joins and send them to different members. This makes it simpler to design brings ahead of time. These connections not just work on other iPhones and Apple gadgets, yet in addition on Android or Windows.

Apple’s Spatial Audio permits a three-dimensional sound insight. With iOS 15 this element is additionally brought into FaceTime. Elements like a decrease in foundation commotion, a representation mode for the camera with an obscured foundation and another lattice view for quite a long time ought to additionally work on the help.

With the new “SharePlay” highlight, you can appreciate live sound and video content with your companions through FaceTime. Music from Apple Music or a series from Apple TV can be played with a single tick in a FaceTime call. Apple doesn’t restrict this capacity to its own administrations. Disney Plus , Tiktok and Twitch can likewise be utilized together toward the beginning. In any case, different suppliers are additionally allowed to incorporate this capacity into their application.


With iOS 15, Apple guarantees a more grounded coordination of iMessage in other applications like Photos, Apple Music or Apple News. Shared photographs in an iMessage bunch are consequently saved in the photograph display. With the assistance of man-made reasoning, the iPhone ought to have the option to autonomously recognize significant photographs and screen captures or images. Shared music or shows are gathered on another page in the Apple Music or Apple TV application. The equivalent applies to news, however the Apple news application needed for this isn’t accessible in this country.


During the day we get innumerable notices on our cell phones. With iOS 15, your iPhone sums up these notices all the more plainly and features significant messages. Also, Apple has added new elements to don’t upset mode and made it more intelligent.

With center gatherings you can quiet the warnings of some applications and permit others. There are a few consequently made formats, for example, “work” or “family time” accessible to you. You can pick yourself which applications and individuals are permitted to contact you. Toward the beginning you will get reasonable ideas. Whenever wanted, you can likewise make your own center gatherings.

The new focus groups ensure fewer interruptions in everyday life

These center gatherings can be actuated time-controlled, contingent upon the area, or physically. In addition to the fact that you mute chosen notices, yet you can likewise stow away superfluous or diverting home screens. You can apply the settings across all Apple gadgets, whether or not they are iPhone, Mac or iPad.


With iOS 15, Apple is presenting framework wide message and picture acknowledgment on the iPhone. Text in the camera application or on photographs and screen captures is naturally perceived and can be duplicated like advanced text with a long tap.

Text recognition in iOS 15

However, this new capacity isn’t restricted to message as it were. With a long tap on a photograph of a blossom you can, for instance, decide the kind of plant or discover the variety of a canine. As per Apple, this picture acknowledgment runs on your own gadget. With the new picture acknowledgment, Apple is additionally working on the pursuit in iOS 15. You can look for photograph subjects or areas.

In the “For you” tab in the photograph application, your iPhone routinely makes audits of previous occasions. In iOS 15, these occasions can be naturally put away with reasonable music from Apple Music and adjusted live to the beat of the music.


IOS additionally has invigorating developments available for the wallet application. Tragically, not every one of them can be utilized in this country. For instance, US residents from chose states can store their ID cards and driver’s permit in the wallet application. In this country, Samsung is working with the Federal Office for Information Security on a comparable capacity. It isn’t known when Apple will likewise carry the capacity to different nations.

In any case, the virtual keys can likewise be utilized in this country. Many keen home key frameworks would now be able to store their advanced keys in the wallet application. This additionally works with lodging cards. The Hyatt Group needs to be one of the primary lodging networks to offer this capacity this year.


Apple stood out as truly newsworthy with regards to a year prior with the acquisition of the well known “Dull Sky” climate application . Presently you can coordinate a considerable lot of the capacities into your own climate application and update them with new, fundamentally more factor foundation activitys. Notwithstanding another look, various illustrations on wind, downpour, air quality and substantially more anticipate you in the iOS 15 climate application. The Dark Sky climate maps have likewise made it into the Apple application.

Many new elements and another plan are additionally concealed in the Apple Maps application under iOS 15. Be that as it may, we presently need to manage without the vast majority of them in Germany. Apple has furnished its own guide application with essentially more subtleties in chose districts and energized various 3D structures. Likewise, extensions and mountains are currently displayed in 3D to make statures more apparent. Another AR route framework that we definitely know from Google Maps is accessible for people on foot .

Apple Maps with a new 3D view

Notwithstanding the huge declarations, there are huge loads of minor changes stowing away in Apple’s new iPhone working framework. Safari gets another tab outline and tab bunches that you can likewise impart to your Mac or iPad. We will find all the more new components in the beta variants throughout the next few weeks.


At WWDC Apple introduced iOS 15, yet additionally declared a ton of new elements for any remaining Apple frameworks. The iPad is being updated with different iPhone highlights from the year before. These incorporate the gadgets and the application library. Likewise, performing various tasks has been fundamentally extended and signal control has been streamlined. Additionally macOS 12 Monterey there were at WWDC to see alongside many new provisions for your Mac.