If you drive through red at the traffic light or do not form an emergency lane in a traffic jam, you can expect a fine. You can also say goodbye to your driver’s license for a while. Now there is another rule that can result in a fine if disregarded.

Form an emergency lane in traffic jams or do not overtake on the right: every driver should be familiar with many of the rules that apply on the motorway . But there are also rules that many people do not know . And then it can quickly become expensive. Since last November there have been new fines and penalties in road traffic. What is new, for example, is that you have to give up your driver’s license for a month if you don’t form an emergency lane on the motorway in traffic jams or slow-moving traffic. A fine of 200 euros and two points in Flensburg are on top of that. Another rule will be added in January 2023.
The law is no fun at red lights. According to the catalog of fines , drivers who run red traffic lights and get caught pay at least 90 euros and get one point in Flensburg. In severe cases, there is even a risk of a driving ban. Even if you just cross the stop line and come to a stop behind it, you have to expect a penalty. The penalty for the new regulation is not quite as draconian.
With a fine of only 5 euros , it is relatively small . Nevertheless, drivers have to pay the fine if they do not have a mask with them. Mind you, you don’t have to wear a mask, but you have to carry it with you in the first aid kit. First aid kits sold from February 2023 must contain two masks.
At the beginning of this year, the government introduced a regulation that requires masks to be carried in the car. But until the end of January 2023, a transitional period applies to drivers. It is only from this point in time that officials can demand a fine in the event of a check. By the way: They don’t have to be FFP2 masks. Medical masks are sufficient. You can simply put two of them in the first aid kit. Or you can buy a new first-aid kit if the best-before date has passed anyway.