O2 manager Haas: “Versatile information is the oxygen of portable life”

Telefónica Deutschland needs to reclassify versatile opportunity in Germany. When new O2-Free levies with up to 25 GB month to month LTE information volume are accessible quickly, “area of interest jumping is presently excessive,” as Telefónica Germany manager Markus Haas declared on Thursday at the IFA in Berlin. “We are ringing toward the finish of the hesitance to ride portable in Germany,” said the supervisor to chose media agents.

From September sixth, Telefónica clients will have the chance to book new free levies with up to 25 GB LTE information volume at O2. From that point forward, admittance to the LTE network is impeded for the remainder of the current charging month, yet the most extreme conceivable download speed isn’t eased back down at GPRS level, as is normal in many duties, yet frozen at up to 1 Mbit/s in the downstream. “Individuals should utilize versatile correspondences so that they can carry on with their portable life ideally.” Because, the O2 administrator proceeds, “portable information is the oxygen in regular daily existence.”


Fundamentally, it very well may be expressed that an ever increasing number of versatile information is being devoured in all client gatherings. In the second quarter of last year, the client normal was 2 GB each month, and clients of the O2 Free 15 levy, which incorporates 15 GB of LTE information volume, devoured a normal of 4 GB each month. The additional opportunities offered by the most recent age of cell phones are likewise driving portable information utilization, as indicated by Haas.

As indicated by breaks down by Telefónica Deutschland, sound and video real time offers specifically are getting a charge out of consistently developing prominence. “Most importantly, our clients need to utilize video content promptly, whether or not it is on-request stages like Netflix or on exemplary news locales – straightforwardly on their cell phone without diversions to the closest WLAN area of interest .” This is actually where O2 carries its clients with them the new free taxes. Since hopping from one area of interest to another to monitor versatile information volume is at this point excessive.

Fundamentally, the new duties are a quantum jump in portable opportunity. “Our new O2-Free offer is fantastic. No contender has a tantamount offer, “says Haas. We can as of now see that information use is taking off and bundles with much more LTE volumes are possible for the future, since “huge information bundles will by and by change the market fundamentally,” Haas is persuaded.

The way that, as indicated by the new levy structure, as much as 50 euros each month must be put on the table isn’t a hindrance for the O2 chief. “Clients are prepared to spend more cash on more information. You once in a while pay 5 euros for a huge cappuccino. Fundamentally, in any case, Telefónica’s methodology is to offer enormous information bundles of 10 GB or more at reasonable costs. Versatile opportunity implies utilizing the conceivable outcomes of the computerized world as you need without compromise.


At the point when gotten some information about the continuous consolidation of the organizations of O2 and E-Plus , Haas said that an enormous piece of the work ought to be finished before the year’s over. Consistently 2,000 individuals are caught up with getting the work to an end. “We are gaining awesome headway and have effectively had the option to overcome the highest point of the mountain. We will probably consistently furnish our clients with the best organization. “The arrangement is to have the organization union finished by the center of the following year.

Nonetheless, this doesn’t naturally imply that the usable download speed will be additionally expanded. “There is presently no interest for significantly higher data transmissions than the 225 Mbit/s that we effectively offer,” said Haas’ unmistakable message. The way that he is lingering behind Telekom and Vodafone, who effectively offer up to 500 Mbit/s in their levies and need to transform their LTE networks into gigabit networks in the medium term, doesn’t appear to trouble the Telefónica Deutschland chief. “As far as we might be concerned, digitization spins around more genuine advantages for clients. That is the main thing. Not innovative execution information. “