The talk about a paid Pokémon Go occasion had been meandering the web for half a month. Presently Niantic has authoritatively reported the occasion. We’ll listen for a minute to expect at the occasion and how to get a ticket.

Chapter by chapter guide
1 Regi-Trio returns
2 New shinys
3 What else is coming
fourth to purchase a ticket
5 What do I get for my cash?
Uncommon examination
Strike passes
sixth Will Pokémon Go be Pay-to-Win now?
The reported occasion begins on Friday, November first at 9pm and closes on Monday , November fourth at 10pm . Notwithstanding, just a little piece of the occasion is chargeable. The paid piece of the occasion will just happen on Saturday November second. The accompanying rewards anticipate you even without purchasing a ticket:
During the occasion time frame, for example in Germany on Saturday, Sunday and Monday, Regirock, Regice and Registeel can be tested in level 5 strikes . They can likewise be trapped in their astonishing forms . We have summed up the best counterattacks against the Regi threesome here:
best counterattack against Regirock
best counterattack against Regice
best counterattack against Registeel

Notwithstanding the Regi-Trio, Panzaeron is likewise accessible in its astonishing rendition in the game. You can discover this Pokémon all the more regularly in the wild and in eggs during the occasion.
Other Rock, Steel, and Ice Pokémon show up more regularly in the wild too. These include: Kleinstein, Magnetilo, Quiekel, Stollunior and Seemops. The accompanying Pokémon are progressively bring forth from eggs during the occasion: Aerodactyl, Pottrott, Sniebel, Panzaeron, Schneppke and Tanhel. Likewise, the egg hatcheries are twice as powerful .
The paid piece of the occasion will just occur on Saturday, November second, from 11 a.m. to 7 p.m. (neighborhood time). You can partake in the occasion from anyplace on the planet, so the occasion couldn’t measure up to other local occasions, for example, a safari zone or a Go-Fest.

You can buy the ticket by means of the in-game shop . So where you can in any case purchase the cases or paid strike passes. In Germany, the ticket is relied upon to cost 8.99 euros and must be paid for with genuine cash and not with Poké coins. It has not been reported when the ticket will be free. Notwithstanding, since there will be a limitless number of tickets, you can likewise buy the ticket presently before the beginning of the occasion. The ticket will be accessible upon the arrival of the occasion until 5 p.m. nearby time. The bought ticket can be found in the stock like an assault pass. On the off chance that you sign into the game during the occasion, the ticket will be enacted consequently.
Following buying the ticket, you will get an award for your profile. Two rewards anticipate you during the occasion.
Exceptional examination
As a purchaser of the ticket, you will get an elite extraordinary examination wherein you will discover, in addition to other things, an Unall stone , a Sinnoh stone and a selective symbol act like prizes. Toward the finish of the exceptional exploration you have the chance to get the incredible Pokémon Regigigas . Niantic suggests that all players complete this exceptional exploration during the occasion. This is certainly not an essential, yet a few undertakings are adjusted to the occasion and afterward just should be finished with a ton of exertion.

Strike passes
As indicated by Niantic, you should finish a couple of assaults during extraordinary exploration. Thus, you will likewise get 10 free strike passes . You will not track down these in your stock, in any case, you can just get them by turning fields. Actually like the 5 free attack passes on the strike days in summer. This implies that the passes must be utilized during the occasion time frame .
A few players have expected that Pokémon Go will turn into a compensation to-dominate match through the offer of paid occasion tickets that can’t be purchased with Poké coins. In any case, this isn’t the situation basically for this occasion. The exceptional exploration doesn’t contain any things, aside from the symbol represent, that you would not get. The 10 assault passes can likewise be procured with acquired Pokécoins and the Pokémon of the Regi-Trio are unacceptable for battling different players or Pokémon. They are more intriguing for authorities and sparkly trackers. Indeed, even the still selective Pokémon Regegigas will be accessible to all major parts in Ex-Raids from December.