Deutsche Post has probably never been as bad as it was last year. At least that is what the numbers that have now been released suggest. But there are signs that the worst of it is over. However, you have to be prepared for new problems.

In October 2022, the supervisory authority of Deutsche Post, the Federal Network Agency, counted more complaints than in any previous month. At the same time, it also counted more critical submissions in the full year 2022 than ever before in one year. The level of complaints remained high in November and December – but the numbers are encouraging. Because they were in decline again in the last two months of the year. At the same time, the number of parcels and letters rose due to the Christmas business, so the number of complaints fell. According to the Federal Network Agency, there were 43,500 complaints in 2022, three times as many complaints about Swiss Post as in 2021. At that time, the authority counted 15,118 entries in the year as a whole. For comparison: As reported by ZDF, there were a total of 9,436 complaints about Deutsche Post DHL in October 2022 alone. From the point of view of the complaining consumers, the logistician was worse than ever.
The numbers then dropped to 7,000 in November and 6,900 in December. “The federal government is planning an amendment to the postal law. I am advocating that it then also gives the Federal Network Agency more room for maneuver as the supervisory authority,” said the President of the Federal Network Agency, Klaus Müller, of the picture on Sunday . At the moment you can only receive complaints and send reminders. “That’s not enough.” He called for the power to impose fines as well.
In the past year, the post office came under criticism in some regions because no post was sometimes delivered for several days or even weeks. Meanwhile, the recipients were waiting for some important documents such as prescriptions or certificates, which they had to present in the original. The Post said at the time that from their point of view these isolated problems were due to a high level of sick leave and numerous vacations by employees.
At the same time, Deutsche Post initiated a debate as to whether it was necessary to continue to guarantee a high delivery rate of more than 80 percent of letters on the next working day. She wants a slower delivery, which would save her money with overnight transport. She wants to be charged extra for next-day delivery . Bundesnetzagentur boss Müller is open to this. He told Bild am Sonntag that he could imagine letters that cost more being delivered the next day. “The normal letter comes a little later, but also costs less than the 85 cent postage that we pay today.”
The company stopped delivering telegrams for good at the turn of the year, triggering yet another veritable telegram hype .
Collective bargaining for Swiss Post employees is currently taking place. The Verdi union is demanding a wage increase of 15 percent, which Swiss Post rejects as unrealistic. The first warning strikes could already be observed in Magdeburg last week. It is quite possible that you will soon have to wait longer for your mail again.