Quick Internet without DSL: 60 days for nothing

For a really long time, a quick web association without a DSL association was inconceivable. With the presentation of satellite web, notwithstanding, that has changed on a very basic level. Assuming you need quick Internet without DSL, you presently have the chance to test Konnect’s satellite Internet for 60 days for nothing.

Fast internet without DSL

For quite a while, any individual who needed quick Internet needed to depend on a DSL association. Be that as it may, particularly in provincial regions, DSL associations regularly can’t be reserved at a similar speed as in urban communities. Indeed, even in urban areas it tends to be hard to get the full exhibition you need when the organization is occupied. Assuming you need quick Internet without DSL, you would now be able to test Konnect’s satellite Internet for 60 days for nothing. There is no compelling reason to end the agreement , nor are there any expenses for introducing the satellite radio wire.


As the name proposes, satellite Internet will be Internet that is made accessible through a satellite association. This enjoys the incredible benefit that this type of Internet gathering doesn’t rely upon the lines laid in your own region. Considerably more provincial regions, which were recently barred from quick web associations, can be considered for the utilization of satellite web . Everything necessary is a satellite recieving wire for gathering and a reasonable modem, which is given by the supplier.

Satellite Internet can likewise stay aware of different choices with regards to speed. Konnect’s satellite web gives a download pace of up to 100 Mbit/s. In any case, the transfer rate for private clients stays pitiful with this data transmission of 3 Mbit/s. It ought to likewise be noticed that fiber optic access with download and transfer paces of up to 1 Gbit/s is for the most part quicker. In actuality, in any case, these association types are as yet not accessible for some families in Germany. The people who have the decision between ADSL with a download pace of 10 Mbit/s and a transfer pace of 1 Mbit/s each second or satellite web are greatly improved presented with the last option.


Konnect presently has a unique proposal for the individuals who are unsure who have recently avoided the expenses of introducing a satellite radio wire. The individuals who register for the mission by January 31, 2022 will get free admittance to satellite web for a 60-day test stage. Clients are furnished with the modem, yet additionally offered a totally free, proficient standard establishment. All that clients actually need to pay for the test stage is an enactment charge of a solitary euro. There is no danger of undesirable subsequent expenses. Since after the 60 days have lapsed, no notification of end is required. Clients ought to have the option to test the benefits of satellite Internet at no extra expense, without the notorious catch.

After the 60-day test stage has terminated, new clients can openly conclude whether they need to update, minimization or suspend the Konnect administration. Should a choice be made for a setting, just the modem must be gotten back to the organization. In the event that you wish, you can look over three of the organization’s private tax models. The “Simple” duty bundle, which gives up to 30 Mbit/s for around 30 euros each month. The “Harmony” tax bundle, which conveys up to 50 Mbit/s each month for around 45 euros. What’s more, the “Maximum 120” levy bundle, which surrenders you to 100 Mbit/s for just shy of 70 euros each month. The costs are somewhat more costly than the normal 100 Mbit/s information levy for DSL in urban areas. Notwithstanding, this should be possible considering the way that clients are furnished with extra equipment as the satellite recieving wire for nothing. move past. Particularly since the choices for individuals who live far away from quicker DSL lines are extremely restricted.