Uplifting news for clients of Samsung cell phones: The Korean maker has begun the update to Android 12. The main clients would already be able to download the large update with more than 60 new highlights and upgrades.

All consideration Samsung : Just half a month after the authority arrival of Android 12, the producer has finished the update for a portion of its cell phones. This makes it the quickest producer available and even outflanks past leaders like OnePlus this year .
Most importantly, the current lead cell phones advantage from the update to Android 12 and OneUI 4.0. The new Android variant is presently accessible for the Samsung Galaxy S21 , Galaxy S21 + and Galaxy S21 Ultra . With Samsung, Android is conveyed along with its own OneUI 4.0 interface. This proposals more than 60 new elements and enhancements.
A large number of them are simply little upgrades to advance the activity of the cell phone. Be that as it may, the update likewise contains a couple of significant advancements and a new look. Specifically, the gadgets and the image in-picture mode have been given another layer of paint. However, Android 12 has likewise dealt with better security of your information and your area. In a different article we will acquaint you with the new elements of OneUI 4.0 .
Do you claim one of the three referenced Samsung cell phones? Then, at that point, you can introduce the update right away. In case it isn’t proposed to you naturally, you can track down the update in the settings under “Programming update” and afterward “Download and introduce”.
On the off chance that you haven’t been offered an update at this point, relax. Android refreshes are conveyed in waves and are at first accessible to a little level of clients. In the case of everything moves along as expected, Samsung extends the circle of the anointed ones until the update is at long last accessible to all clients.
The Android 12 update is somewhere in the range of 2.5 and 3 gigabytes in size, contingent upon the gadget. Contingent upon your cell phone contract, you ought to like to utilize a W-LAN association for downloading. The update for the most part takes no longer than 10 minutes and no information is lost. Notwithstanding, you ought to consistently have a current reinforcement – and not long before this update.
The significant update for two additional Samsung cell phones ought to be prepared in a couple of days or weeks. These are the current collapsing cell phones Galaxy Z Flip3 and Galaxy Z Fold3.
Clients of other Samsung cell phones should delay until the following year before they can introduce the Android 12 update. Be that as it may, possibly Samsung has likewise arranged a couple of Christmas shocks. An authority rundown of when which Samsung cell phone can expect the update can be viewed as here .