Saturn becomes MediaMarkt: New procedure creates a ruckus

Assuming that you simply cover a notable brand like Saturn, you must have valid justifications. That is the reason we asked Media-Saturn-Holding for what valid reason they are presently making this stride in Austria. A clue for Germany?

Saturn stores like this one in Ingolstadt will soon no longer exist in Austria.

This news is creating a ruckus: Media-Saturn Holding is saying a final farewell to Saturn and consolidating its branches with MediaMarkt. The undertaking at first just influences the Austrian market, however not the German branches. No doubt? Couldn’t the strategy in the Alpine republic be deciphered as a trial to before long carry out comparing measures in Germany also?


As right on time as October first, the Saturn brand will presently don’t be freely apparent in Austria. The comparing gadgets stores are converging with those of the Media Markt brand, so that in future there may be branches with the blazing red brand logo. This was reported by MediamarktSaturn Austria, an auxiliary of the German Ceconomy Group, toward the start of the week.

Relating changes in the shops, which are as yet under the Saturn brand, should begin toward the start of August and be finished before the finish of September. The point is to meet the developing contest in internet exchanging with an incredible brand and to grow its own piece of the pie. Moreover, collaborations are to be utilized to have the option to endure better on the lookout.

“This one-brand procedure ensures numerous collaborations in all spaces just as less fatty cycles and more effective constructions.”

Csongor Nemet, CEO of MediaMarktSaturn

A representative for the Media-Saturn-Holding told inside advanced that the public organization in Austria had chosen in discussion with the German parent organization to “center around the MediaMarkt brand, which is better known and more present in the country, to additionally fortify this brand in the long haul . “As such: Saturn was not amazing enough in Austria, albeit the brand is number 2 in the nation after MediaMarkt.

The prevalence of MediaMarkt can likewise be seen very well in different figures. While MediaMarkt presently has 37 stores in Austria, there are just 15 under the Saturn brand. 80% of all Austrians should then have the option to arrive at a MediaMarkt branch in under 20 minutes.


Dread that the finish of Saturn could likewise compromise in Germany is explicitly dismissed at the central command of the parent organization in Ingolstadt. “Our public organizations are ceaselessly inspecting and advancing their item portfolio in light of a legitimate concern for their clients,” says the administrative center. “Despite this local choice, MediaMarktSaturn is adhering to its fruitful two brand procedure in Germany,” the representative proceeded.

Both MediaMarkt and Saturn are notable brands in this country that partake in an undeniable degree of trust among their clients. That is the reason Germany will keep on putting resources into the Saturn brand later on. For instance, the “Xperion” project is as of now running at max throttle. “This is the place where our Saturn parent organization in Cologne is covered up, which we are as of now forming into an exceptional gaming, e-sports and e-portability market. Arrangements for the kickoff of this unprecedented Saturn E-Arena are going full bore. “

So assuming you need to purchase a TV, a phone or a clothes washer later on and depend on expert guidance on location, you can keep on doing as such at Saturn in this nation .