Selective experiences: How O2 is overhauling its versatile organization for the Pokémon Go Fest

It hushes up on Wednesday noon away from Dortmund’s Signal Iduna Park. Yawning vacancy in the gigantic parking areas around the Bundesliga sanctuary of Borussia Dortmund. At times a jogger here, in some cases a cyclist there. It just gets more fierce at the entryways of the Westfalenpark. The explanation turns out to be clear when you take a gander at the enormous, raised bulletins: the huge Pokémon Go Fest is not far off. Furthermore, the main inquisitive players are now hoping to get uncommon Pokémon. In the mean time, the German PDA administrators in the Westfalenpark are chipping away at preparing their own organizations for the normal convergence of guests. inside helpful was there.

Chapter by chapter list

1 Dortmund is again the Pokémon capital of Europe

2 Pokémon Go Fest in Dortmund: Now it’s going on

3 O2 is overhauling with three Mobile Base Stations (MBS)

fourth There is not any more versatile organization at the snap of a finger

5 Lots of extra traffic

sixth Telefónica likewise utilizes transporter total

seventh The following significant occasion is not far off


Dissimilar to in the earlier year, the Pokémon Go Fest in Dortmund in 2019 (opening occasions: fourth to seventh July, between 10 a.m. also, 6 p.m.) isn’t uninhibitedly available to each player. A ticket is needed to access the occasion. Also, to guarantee that everything moves along as expected, occupied laborers set up the fundamental access locks on Wednesday. Nothing remains to risk. Any individual who has got hold of a ticket can chase for Pokémon in the Westfalenpark on the day booked or battle against different coaches . The occasion mechanics are just enacted in the Pokémon Go application on the day booked.

The designers of Niantic have thought of a great deal to draw in huge number of players to Dortmund again this year. Exceptional difficulties and prizes anticipate in the ongoing interaction. For instance, the players should cooperate on research projects in the Westfalenpark to open exceptional prizes. Photograph focuses with your number one Pokémon and group lounges welcome you to wait. Food trucks are accessible for your actual prosperity. As it turns out, there are just comparable major Pokémon Go occasions in Chicago in the USA and in Yokohama in Japan.


The coordinators are hoping for something else than 170,000 guests toward the Westfalenpark on the principal end of the week in July. You are going from everywhere Europe. Regardless of whether the publicity about Pokémon Go has died down a little, there is as yet an enormous fan base. What’s more, not at all like at different occasions, the fans don’t simply come to pay attention to cool music, for instance. They need to utilize their cell. Also, that consistently. A significant test likewise for the cell networks in Dortmund. The organization administrators respond to the normal convergence of guests with broad updates of their organization innovation.

Stefan Braun is a professional at Abel Mobilfunk and drives all over Germany for Telefónica Germany. His work: set up alleged Mobile Base Stations (MBS). They are currently irreplaceable for significant occasions. These are little trucks with cutting edge cell innovation . From one perspective in the load region, yet – all the more significantly – on the rooftop too. A powerfully extendable cell recieving wire is introduced there, in addition to other things. What’s more, she has the ability. All things considered, it is an entire 20 meters in length. “It is a serious test to drive such a truck. The heap, which is generally uneven, isn’t without it “, reports Braun.


Telefónica Deutschland has requested three of these mind boggling vehicles into the Westfalenpark. Two of them are at the western and eastern closures of the 70 hectare region. One unit in the center. Together they cover the region with 27 areas. The objective is clear: to essentially expand the limit of the Telefónica network for gamers at the Pokémon Go Fest. Also, it isn’t so natural by any stretch of the imagination. Most importantly, it doesn’t simply occur in passing.

“Before we can drive a portable base station here to Dortmund, broad endorsement systems are important,” reports Hashem Farahi. He is liable for radio organization arranging at Telefónica Deutschland and is in standard contact with the Federal Network Agency. “We are just permitted to set up our area and directional radio recieving wires with the authorization of the organization office.” The directional radio wires guarantee that there is an association with the center organization. The area recieving wires are significant for PDA clients so they can even build up an association with their cells – for instance to the Pokémon Go workers.


Also, regardless of whether the Federal Network Agency has sent the fitting authentications after a comparing check, everything is a long way from being done. “Different boundaries must be considered to coordinate an extra, portable base station into the organization,” says Farahi. In any case this would straightforwardly affect the general organization execution. “Altogether, we need three to four months of lead time before we can drive a MBS to an occasion,” the organization organizer alludes to broad preliminary work. Simply drive off and set up, that is essentially impractical for the reasons referenced.

For the Pokémon Go Fest 2019, Telefónica sees itself very much situated. “Last year we had two MBS here in the Westfalenpark – we actually had free limit. Presently we have moved up to three stations. I’m not scared of the coming days, “says network engineer Braun.


He assesses that around 500 to 600 GB of extra information traffic through the Pokémon Go Fest must be appropriated in the Telefónica network each day. What’s more, to accomplish this, Telefónica not just uses expansions in GSM and UMTS innovation, yet in addition LTE 1800, 2100 and 2600 .

Notwithstanding the three MBS being used, Telefónica has likewise expanded the limit of the encompassing phone frameworks to a greatest. They furnish players with extra LTE limits at 800 MHz. The full transmission capacity of the accessible recurrence range is accordingly utilized.


Clients of the Telefónica organization ought to likewise have the option to get Pokémon beasts easily through transporter collection. Utilizing this innovation, a client is allocated a few individual recurrence blocks. This expands the greatest usable information rate. In Dortmund up to 300 Mbit/s in the downstream and 50 Mbit/s in the upstream, as per Braun. A unique observing framework guarantees that there are no issues. This checking isn’t done nearby in Dortmund, yet in the organization control in Munich.

As it turns out, Telefónica Deutschland was by all account not the only one to grow its ability. Vodafone and Deutsche Telekom are likewise on location with extra transmitter poles in the Westfalenpark. Part of the way in the prompt area of the O2 MBS. Furthermore, that additionally requires direct concurrences with each other, reports network organizer Farahi. When in doubt, notwithstanding, it works through the short authority channels and with no issues worth focusing on. “You can’t get in one another’s manner, in any case there may be issues for all interested parties.”


Thus all Pokémon Go players can anticipate what anticipates them in Dortmund on Thursday. A standout portable gaming celebration that Stefan Braun is as of now anticipating cheerfully. The organization specialist is intellectually somewhere else. Since when the Pokémon Go Fest closes in Dortmund, it will go straight on. To Cuxhaven. To the Deichbrand Festival.

What’s more, there, as well, for Telefónica Deutschland, he will give a huge number of cell phone clients the chance to share photographs and recordings with friends and family straightforwardly from the occasion site. Not very many individuals in the North Sea additionally realize what arranging and specialized exertion is needed for this.