Doing regular day to day existence in Germany without cash – is that conceivable? Thorsten Neuhetzki and David Gillengerten set out to give it a shot themselves for seven days. In center: versatile installment. Yet, would you say you are troubled when you can pay via card? Within helpful editors have made this experience.

Chapter by chapter guide
1 Thorsten Neuhetzki
Store and portable installment – that fits
The weekend shopping: Do you have an euro?
Bread rolls from the pastry shop? Money is top dog
Going without cash – that works in Germany
Apples with Google Pay
Determination following seven days: You can manage without cash – with special cases
2 David Gillengerten
Brühl: The town is more current than anticipated
Leverkusen: Cashless indeed, versatile no
The bread cook’s model: the last strongholds of money
Thorsten Neuhetzki
Our experience report starts in Berlin. I live and turn out here for inside convenient. I – this is Thorsten Neuhetzki. My objective during the current week: not to utilize my money if conceivable. I need to pay for everything – if conceivable – with my PDA. That shouldn’t be an issue in Berlin. Berlin, the city of fashionable people, new businesses, smombies.
In any case, is Berlin additionally the city of portable installments? It will not work – I definitely realized that when I made a meeting with my associate David for this analysis. Thus we additionally have an arrangement: I have a 20 euro note in my pocket. Since there is one thing I certainly don’t need: that my little child needs to experience the ill effects of it.
Store and versatile installment – that fits
So my trial begins a Friday. I will purchase a little something in the store for lunch. Here I know: my wallet can remain at home. Rewe offers me two alternatives for paying with my cell phone. So I purchase new organic product for my family through the local area asset and pay with Payback Pay . I hold the QR code before the peruser. The modest quantity is then charged from the shared service. I pay my own lunch independently. Schwupps – the PDA pulled out a subsequent time and held straightforwardly to the card terminal. Google Pay and Paypal make it conceivable, my lunch is paid for in under three seconds. Extraordinary, that works incredible.
In the evening, the family and the parents in law go to the clan Greek. Up until half a month just the back Girocard , otherwise called an EC card , was acknowledged. All things considered, you nearly need to say. However, he has redesigned. Charge cards are currently additionally acknowledged – even contactless. End: Apple Pay and Google Pay would likewise work here. In any case, I don’t need to stress over it, my accomplice pays the receipt sum.
End of the week shopping: Got an euro?
End of the week Saturday shopping in Kaufland is on . This is the place where I notice interestingly that money would be very acceptable. In any event assuming you need a shopping basket. I have two choices to browse: Either purchase a shopping basket chip or utilize the 20 euro note. I pick the money, after everything I don’t need to spend it, I simply transform it. Portable installment, then again, isn’t an issue in Kaufland – there are even express checkouts that you can examine yourself. Card installment is even required here.

Game is on the plan in the early evening. I ride my bicycle from Berlin to Rathenow and take the train back. Because of a Bahncard 100, I don’t need to stress over my ticket. Be that as it may, imagine a scenario where. In the DB Navigator I get a ticket for myself, yet not intended for my bicycle. All things considered: There is a machine in Rathenow, here I could get the ticket for the bicycle.
Bread rolls from the pastry kitchen? Money is above all else
At the end of the week I actually need to pay with cash interestingly. It’s one of those languid trade offs in this test. We purchase our morning meal rolls from a craftsman dough puncher a couple of roads away. Card installment? Presumably not in 100 years. Changing to prepared rolls from the store would be another option – however not intended for us. All things considered: My 20 euros stay immaculate. The money comes from the local area store.
And surprisingly on Sunday it wouldn’t work without cash from the local area store. Neither the recreation center rail route in the Wuhlheide – a fascination for youngsters – nor a nibble there have shown up in the time of advanced installment. I’m additionally denied the chocolate bar from the machine on the S-Bahn stage: cash as it were. I notice: Without my accomplice and the local area cash, I would need to make a few trade offs and my crisis cash would likely be gone.

Going without cash – that works in Germany
So the following three days will be energizing, since I’m going to the article office in Brühl. While I can in any case carry my child to childcare with the Bahncard 100, I can just get to the air terminal with a solitary ticket. Also, for absence of time, this time the plane needs to come here for once. Credit only installment on the transport? The transport driver in the well known Berlin way would say: “What do you long for around evening time, kid?”. Since I realize that, I purchased my ticket from the machine in advance. Since here you can pay via card and even with your cell phone. Indeed, the ticket through application would likewise be conceivable, yet it makes travel cost bookkeeping even more troublesome thereafter.
The flight was at that point booked, snacks on the plane would be with Visa payable (however I needn’t bother with it) and at the air terminal you can take the level rate train to Brühl. A cheerful amazement at the principle train station in Cologne: The machines on the stage acknowledge contactless installment. Be that as it may, shockingly: My installment with Google Pay is declined. Be that as it may, it works with my Visa.

Paying for a supper along with a partner in the café in Brühl is likewise no issue with a card – except for just Girocard, please. So portable installment is out. I’ll pay for the two of us, she’ll give me her offer in real money first. I reject in view of the trial. She sends me their offer carefully by means of Paypal – Bank.
Apples with Google Pay
The cook question would surely have emerged in Brühl, as well, however that day the supervisor welcomed visitors to breakfast. So there was no conversation at the cook’s concerning why I can’t pay credit only. Positive astonishment: At the café around the bend in Brühl, I can even compensation for my fries with Google Pay.
The return outing to my place of home in Berlin occurred by ICE on Wednesday promptly toward the beginning of the day. Because of a deferral in the feeder train, the arranged breakfast at Cologne Central Station was dropped – here I would presumably have been bound to have paid with a card than in Brühl. Yet, there is additionally breakfast on the ICE – and even with a Mastercard. Brilliant.
However, on Thursday and Friday I actually snatched my crisis cash. Again the issue point: cooks. Because of the generally long way that I need to head to childcare and back each day, I simply don’t want to stress over where I can eat without cash.
Determination following seven days: You can manage without cash – with special cases
Following seven days of attempting to live and furthermore to go in the enormous city of Berlin without cash, I reached the resolution: It is conceivable. In any case, you need to make compromises.
Food in the store, tickets for the metro and the ICE, supper in the eatery – it is normally not an issue. Yet, in the event that you like bread from the pastry kitchen, go on unconstrained outings and need to encounter something, you ought to have cash with you. To the extent we are in Sweden, where I routinely cycle for seven to ten days without having a solitary Swedish krona with me, we are as yet far from Germany. Eventually, if there should be an occurrence of uncertainty, the accompanying additionally applies: If you totally need to pay credit only, you need to advise the retailer and, if vital, make the move to go to another store. David, how was your week?
David Gillengerten
While my associate Neuhetzki looked for his salvation as a wanderer in the large city, I live and work in satellite towns around Cologne. Versatile installment is now boundless in the Rhenish city. Nonetheless, I am uncertain about whether the equivalent applies to my place of home in Leverkusen. Or then again the charming, yet Rhenish-moderate Brühl, where the publication group of inside helpful is found. By and by, I set out to attempt: To live seven days without cash, yet furnished with a cell and charge card.
Brühl: The town is more present day than anticipated
The start of the examination is the primary analysis for versatile installment in the town. I have a meeting with the beautician in Brühl. Money would have been my best option, however they may likewise acknowledge card installments. I let it depend and, valiantly enough, I don’t take any cash with me. After the hair style, I inquired as to whether it would likewise be feasible to pay via card. The beautician says yes and gives me the card terminal. Indeed fortunate, my remorseful stroll to the following bank was deflected. Versatile installment through Apple Pay or Google Pay would not have been conceivable.
After the beautician arrangement, I do a couple of more buys in the close by store. It has been feasible to make contactless installments there for a while with no issues. In the primary days of the new installment technique, the representatives at the checkout were consistently a bit confounded when they held their phones up to the POS terminal. Meanwhile, in any case, portable installment through phone or smartwatch has become a natural sight for staff – and this was likewise the situation on this day. After the merchandise have been filtered, a basic “With card, please” is sufficient and the terminal is enacted. I hold my PDA to the card peruser and the installment interaction is finished. It’s fast and simple. It takes twice as long to print out the receipt.
Leverkusen: Cashless indeed, versatile no
The image in my place of home is like that in Brühl. General store chains like Aldi or Edeka generally approve of portable installment. Cell phones are additionally acknowledged as an installment technique at gas stations. Indeed, even some conveyance administrations for food currently make it conceivable to pay at the entryway with a card. The pizza or burger, then again, must be requested by cell phone, however not paid for. Paying through Apple Pay or Google Pay in applications is presently the special case