Would you also like to be able to enjoy top Bundesliga games in HD quality, but don’t feel like spending a lot of money? Then we have the perfect offer for you here – and the best? It’s totally free!

If you want to watch Bundesliga matches for free , you should sign up for a free month with Zattoo now . You can watch two Bayern games completely free of charge – and even win a TV worth 1,200 euros! You can find out how here.
Zattoo is a television streaming platform . After completing a trial month for the Ultimate subscription – which lets you take part in the competition (more on that later) – you have access to 147 TV channels, 38 of which are in Full HD and 91 are in HD. The programs include public channels such as ARD and ZDF, but popular private channels such as Sat.1 and ProSieben are also available in Full HD. It’s also cool that you can also use Zattoo on the go when traveling in the EU, even on up to four streams at the same time.
But how can you actually stream Zattoo? In addition to an app for many smart TVs , the content of the platform is also available via the Amazon Fire TV Stick or Google Chromecast. You can also easily stream on the PC via the web app or in the browser via Zattoo.
And you can do all this completely free of charge for at least 30 days with the trial month. Among other things, you can also enjoy two Bundesliga games in full HD: On January 20, FC Bayern Munich will play the first Bundesliga game in 2023 against RB Leipzig – and since this is on Sat.1, you can come you with Zattoo in full HD for football enjoyment. Because: via satellite or cable, you can only watch Sat.1 in SD quality, like most private broadcasters without an additional subscription option. With Zattoo, the HD option is included in the trial month.
On the 24th, another Bayern match follows on the station, this time against 1. FC Köln. Away from sports, for example, there is another TV highlight that you can enjoy with Zattoo with the start of “Deutschland sucht den Superstar” on RTL on January 14th.
It is important that you take out a trial month for the Ultimate package , because that’s the only way you’ll have a chance to take part in the great competition: a brand new smart TV from the Samsung brand will be awarded to everyone who completes such a free month by January 31st , Panasonic or LG with a maximum value of 1,200 euros raffled! The winner can later decide for himself which model and how many inches fit into his living room.
But watch out: When you sign up for the free month, you must already enter a payment method and the subscription will be automatically renewed after the 30 days have expired. Then you pay 13.99 euros per month. If you are not satisfied with Zattoo’s offer during the trial period or really just want to take the free month with you, you can switch off the extension online at any time or cancel it later on a monthly basis.