The Telekom is dispatching another item: With the Speedbox, the Bonners bounce on the levy classification of homespots. These are little switches that get their sign through LTE and convey a WLAN organization. How great is the new tax contrasted with Vodafone GigaCube and different contenders?

Chapter by chapter guide
Battery versus power
1 How does Telekom Speedbox vary from Vodafone GigaCube?
2 How does Telekom Speedbox vary from Congstar Homespot?
No gadget necessity
3 How does Telekom Speedbox vary from Ortel Mobile?
fourth How great is Telekom Speedbox truly?
Inside convenient revealed last week about the impending dispatch of Telekom Speedbox . Telekom has now formally introduced its new Homespot item.
In an immediate correlation with different proposals available from the home spot levy classification , there are some of the time clear contrasts that represent or against booking the Speedbox . On a fundamental level, Telekom offers two taxes, which just vary as far as their term and the related oddball costs. Strange: The Flex form additionally has a term of two years, however the client possibly needs to pay when he books an information pass.
The GigaCube was the principal result of the Homespot classification on the German market. In an immediate examination Telekom Speedbox and Vodafone GigaCube Max, the new Speedbox draws the short straw. The explanation: The costs at Vodafone are more alluring contrasted with the help. While Telekom clients get 100 GB and either pay EUR 39.95 each month or book an information bundle for EUR 44.95 in the Flex variant for 31 days, Vodafone clients get 200 GB. For this they pay 44.99 euros as an agreement client. Clients who have a cell phone contract with Vodafone pay even less at 34.99 euros. The cost per gigabyte is subsequently fundamentally more alluring for individuals of Düsseldorf.
In any case: This 200 GB advantage with Vodafone is just legitimate through a mission that runs until May. As per the current status, new clients will then, at that point additionally get 100 GB rather than the current 200 GB. The 200 GB bundle is likewise not accessible in the Flex variant. Assuming you need to be adaptable with Vodafone, you can just book the 50 GB bundle. This bundle is accessible for 34.99 euros each month. What’s more, the accompanying additionally applies here: cell phone clients just compensation 24.99 euros. So in case you are searching for an adaptable tax from Telekom or Vodafone, you may be in an ideal situation with Telekom.
Battery versus power

The benefit of the GigaCube contrasted with the Speedbox of the Flex variation: The one-time costs are essentially lower. The two switches can be utilized portable, however just the Speedbox has a battery. The GigaCube, then again, must be associated with the power or to a vehicle converter from 12V to 230V for the vehicle.
Understanding tip : This is the thing that Deutsche Telekom is making arrangements for network development in 2019
Benefit of the Telekom Speedbox: It conveys up to 300 Mbit/s, with Vodafone it is just 200 Mbit/s. Because of the common medium properties of a cell organization , nonetheless, your own area and the quantity of different clients in the organization are unequivocal eventually.
The Telekom Speedbox in the test at inside convenient
Telekom had since a long time ago passed on the field of Homespot items to its discounter auxiliary Congstar. Notwithstanding, the Congstar Homespot has one significant burden contrasted with every one of its rivals: it can’t be utilized restlessly in Germany. Maybe, the client gives an address and can surf in an unclear space of this address. A difference in address costs 20 euros.

No gadget necessity
In the unadulterated value correlation, the Congstar Homespot 100 is more appealing than the practically identical item from Telekom. Since for 100 GB you just compensation 30 euros. The agreement can be hindered for as long as 180 days. Be that as it may, the weakness of the Flex variation at Congstar: There are likewise month to month costs if the duty isn’t utilized. The adaptability just identifies with the more limited term, not to the irregular use. Another limitation: The LTE organization of Telekom can be utilized – yet just with a limit of 50 Mbit/s.
An outline of other Congstar Homespot duties
Benefit with Congstar: The duty isn’t attached to a switch. Since the switches offered by Congstar are discretionary. This saves costs on the off chance that you have an old cell phone for tying or a little LTE WiFi switch in the house and you don’t need it to be utilized forever. What’s more: Anyone who rode their information volume for the period of utilization can in any case be progressing at 384 kBit/s in the organization.

Ortel Mobile is the extraordinary among the home spot suppliers. Since the supposed ethno discounter offers the Homespot tax as a prepaid variation . It just contains 60 GB for 29.99 euros. Normally it is just 40 GB. What’s more, the information volume is just substantial for 28 days and must be utilized in the O2 network with a limit of 21.6 Mbit/s. This makes Ortel the most costly supplier as far as the unadulterated cost per gigabyte.
All things considered: At 69.99 euros, the one-time costs are low contrasted with Telekom – it as of now incorporates the important switch. Likewise, the supplier could be the lone option in contrast to an intermittent Internet association for clients who don’t get an agreement. It is just accessible from fixed merchants of Ortel Mobile items.
The immediate correlation with Vodafone specifically shows that the expenses for utilizing Speedbox are high. The upside of Telekom is the very much evolved network and a switch that likewise works with a battery. Be that as it may, the oddball costs for Flex clients are the most elevated contrasted with the market climate.
Contrasted with the option in a similar organization, Telekom Speedbox scores most importantly with its migrant use and – if applicable – the higher information rate. The individuals who can manage without traveling use are at first good at Congstar. Notwithstanding, adaptable use is ineffectively executed by the supplier.