The final season 11 of “The Walking Dead” is about to start. However, fans of the series will have to prepare for a few changes. Because from now on the series is no longer running at FOX. And: A new trailer provides spectacular insights into the series finale.

1 “The Walking Dead” moves to Disney +
2 New teaser trailer from TWD on YouTube
3 Off to the subway!
4th What is season 11 of “The Walking Dead” about?
Fans of “The Walking Dead” (TWD) have to be prepared for serious changes. The final eleventh season , which will consist of a total of 24 episodes, is no longer premiering on classic pay TV for the first time since the popular zombie series began . The background is the imminent end of the Fox Channel . The TV station belonging to the Disney group will be discontinued in a few weeks. And that has consequences. Because the previous home of “The Walking Dead” in Germany is looking for a new home. And that has now been officially found: at Disney + . More precisely in the adult area of Disney +: Star.
As Disney Germany officially revealed on Monday, season 11 of “The Walking Dead” will premiere on August 23, 2021 at Star. The first eight new episodes should then always be available on Mondays from 9 a.m. German time on the streaming service. A single new episode should be released every week.
This is a tough blow for Sky subscribers, among other things. Because they will no longer be able to watch new episodes of “The Walking Dead” as part of their subscription – which has already caused strong expressions of displeasure in relevant Internet forums. Theoretically, Fox could have shown some new TWD episodes until the official setting on September 30, 2021. But Disney + doesn’t let the butter be taken off its bread, of course, and prefers to show all new episodes of the series exclusively at Disney + / Star.
On Monday, Disney Germany also published a suitable teaser trailer on its YouTube channel. “The beginning of the end” can be read there in a rather wild sequence. However, one does not see moving images, only a series of photos. And of course this teaser trailer also reveals the official start date of the eleventh season of “The Walking Dead” in Germany: August 23, 2021.
Much more details can be found in the official trailer, which has also been available on YouTube and other social networks since the weekend. It was presented at ComicCon @ Home and of course there is a whole lot of zombie horror on the program again. The new trailer is three minutes long and already makes you want more.
Because season 11 kidnaps the viewer, among other things, in a subway tunnel overran by zombies. When the makers of “The Walking Dead” let it be as spectacular in the oppressive underground as in the latest season of “Fear The Walking Dead”, fans can look forward to real highlight episodes. Because “Fear The Walking Dead” last played among other things in a stranded submarine. Critics were full of praise and judged that the new episodes were the best that the “TWD” franchise had launched for many years.
The beginning of the eleventh season will initially be eight new episodes. They should always be seen on Monday mornings at Disney + Star. Probably in spring (season 11B) and autumn 2022 (season 11C), eight more episodes each will follow before “The Walking Dead” will end in what may be an epic finale. Then the question should also be answered whether Rick Grimes will come back again. “The Walking Dead” started with him in 2010 and many fans have long wanted him to return in a flying helicopter in season 9 after his badly wounded departure. Will this wish come true? Wait…
Many details about the content of season 11 are not yet available. The only thing that is clear is that the eleventh season follows on from the events of season 10. It is also known that Daryl and Carol, like the other remaining survivors, face a new confrontation after their victory over Alpha and Beta. And it couldn’t be harder. Because the Commonwealth is not only endowed with enormous menpower. The military force also has an enormous pool of weapons, including Stormstrooper uniforms, and has already been able to arrest Eugene and his colleagues with their help. But even within the Commonwealth, the leadership ranks are seething. And then Alexandria, almost destroyed by the Whisperers, has to be rebuilt.