As an action role-playing game, the “Witcher 3: Wild Hunt” ran for the first time in 2015 on the computer screens. Based on the novels of the Polish author Andrzej Sapkowski, the fan base recently got its own Netflix series. But why is the game about witcher Geralt a timeless pleasure?

1 What “The Witcher 3” has to offer in terms of genius
2 Every decision has its consequences
3 Details that every good game should have
4th There is little that is not in “The Witcher 3”
As an action role-playing game, “The Witcher 3: Wild Hunt” ran for the first time in 2015 on computer screens. Based on the novels of the Polish author Andrzej Sapkowski, the fan base recently got its own Netflix series. But why is the game about witcher Geralt a timeless pleasure?
To do justice to the diversity of the Witcher world is not exactly easy with the complex interwoven structure of cultures, rulers and religions. As is so often the case in the Witcher world, a war drives the power-hungry of the country to destroy one another. At the center of this struggle is the nation “Nilfgaard”. Some of the northern kingdoms are trying to resist its takeover, others have already been overrun by it. The no man’s land “Velen” is one of these areas. In search of protectionDifferent people gather there. Groups that do not fit in with the citizens of the country such as elves, dwarves or gnomes. They seek protection from the enemy, but even within the walls of cities like “Novigrad” or “Oxenfurth” they only find persecution and hatred. Followers of religious orders such as the “Holy Fire” fuel this hatred, against non-members, but also against all those who think differently.
In this world, a certain group of outsiders attracts our attention. Wizards and sorcerers also have to constantly expose themselves to the arbitrariness of emperors and kings. The latter earn some extra money by killing monsters that threaten the inhabitants of the territories. Witcher “Geralt of Rivia” is no exception. On this journey of the third-person role-playing game, he takes us on a fight between morals, the code as a witcher and our own interests, in search of foster daughter Ciri and the answer to the question of who is enemy and who is friend, in addition to the fight against monsters .
In “The Witcher 3” you don’t just walk through the story. It takes the player out of his own world and throws him into a new, magical world. The story mode is unique and so complex that it is sometimes not that easy to follow the plot. When completing the numerous main and side missions, our new home illustrates the gruesome atmosphere on the one hand, and the characters on the other. These have depth and are authentic, because they live in a world that makes it difficult for them to do the right thing at all times. There is not only good and bad, if at all, they move the better among them into a moral gray area. The question arises whether the “right thing” even exists. Because their life consists only of survival. No matter if citizen or non-member,

Geralt’s actions should be chosen wisely, as any decision made will have an impact on the course and ending of the story. You yourself have the sole freedom in which way this world should exist or perish. You are just as free to choose which side missions interest you more than others. Packed with excitement and adventure, however, they are as good as all and don’t just stand for themselves as nice additional content, but also contribute to the overall storytelling of the game.
The huge play area with its individual territories such as the Weißgarten, the “Vizima” palace as the seat of the emperor of the Nilfgarder, the Nordic-inspired “Skellige Islands” or the witcher’s fortress “Kaer Morhen”, to name just a few, offer hours of fun. The world of “The Witcher 3” is dirty, ugly and brutal – and that’s why you love it. When searching for new items such as witcher equipment, you can also discover assignments and experience a completely new cultural experience in each area.
With attention to detail and authenticity, the graphics bring everything to life. The fantasy elements couldn’t seem creepier and come into their own in the medieval soundtrack. An additional element that distinguishes “The Witcher 3” is the in-game card game “Gwint”. What alone is highly addictive, manages to give the individual groups of people their own stage in an appealing way.
The game’s combat system is not negligible either. In addition to individual attacks, you can also use Geralt’s supernatural abilities and either use potions or let signs work. You can just as easily adjust the level of combat to your own needs. It becomes clear that the game is just as suitable for people who want to exhaust the combat system as it is for those who are primarily driven by the story. Alternating between witcher Geralt and foster daughter Ciri, a completely different repertoire of skills and a view of the world are shown in contrast. You get successful insights into the way their inner workings look, but also how they perceive their environment individually.
To be honest, there is little to criticize about “The Witcher 3”. One could add that once failed missions remain a failure in the long run and there is no way to revise this. Some decisions also contribute to the fact that quests can no longer be completed and are marked as failed. One could fault that, as I said. However, it is in line with the game intent that decisions made have their effects. Just like in real life you can’t just press the “Reset” button. There is no “try again”. The sense that this gives the game for me fits its character.
All of this may sound like a hymn of praise for a game that doesn’t do much different than other big titles. That doesn’t reduce the quality of “The Witcher 3” in the least. What remains unique is what it triggers in its fans. Years after its release, regardless of the platform, it is one of the most successful offshoots of its kind. And rightly so.