Top of the line journals: These 6 workstations are significant in 2020

The country needs new journals. Not just at the CES did a portion of the tech heavyweights present their new, compact PCs. We investigate without a doubt the top of the line business and show the main 5 gadgets you want to know in 2020.

List of chapters

1 6 useful note pads you want to know in 2020

ConceptD Ezel 7 Pro – You can’t get more top of the line than this

ASUS (ROG) Zephyrus G14 – with that specific something

ASUS ExpertBook – 870 grams of force

Macintosh MacBook Pro 16 – The Apple Way

Lenovo ThinkPad X1 Fold – the adaptability arrangement

HP Specter X360 15 – More showcase, less bezels

2 Notebooks 2020: “Gaming configuration isn’t generally sought after”

3 Who needs which journal 2020 for what?

Top of the line gear, top execution and furthermore a little plan usefulness. This is the thing that characterizes a cutting edge PC. The pattern will proceed at CES 2020 – there are new journals for the new year.

We additionally introduced Microsoft’s gadgets in a different article . The Surface setup will likewise be significant in 2020; Microsoft’s note pads and half breed gadgets were introduced toward the start of October 2019.


In 2020, the main work machines will come from Apple , Acer , ASUS , HP and Lenovo .

ConceptD Ezel 7 Pro – You can’t get more top of the line than this

Acer sells its most noteworthy journal class under the autonomous mark ConceptD. In 2020 there will be the new ConceptD Ezel 7 Pro.

The Acer ConceptD Ezel 7 Pro. 
The label is aimed at creative professionals and is intended to run independently alongside the main Acer brand.

Features are the Intel Xeon processor (Xeon is one stage over the Core i9 positions) and the Nvidia Quadro GTX designs card. That is the specialized “cutting edge” in this exhibition class. In any case, it gets intriguing with the plan. The showcase – 4K goal is standard here – can be situated anyplace because of a few pivots. Notwithstanding the standard PC and tablet mode (totally collapsed down), the gadget can likewise be utilized in a skimming state. This is fascinating, for instance, for realistic work where the console and touchpad are just required optionally. A pointer from Wacom is in the lodging for ideal activity – the Ezel 7 Pro turns into a genuine designs tablet.

The touchpad and show are likewise secured with Gorilla Glass 6, which is charming to utilize and natural from cell phones and furthermore guarantees vigorous insurance .

Value (RRP) and accessibility in Germany: May 2020, from 2,000 euros

ASUS (ROG) Zephyrus G14 – with that specific something

Very much like Acer, ASUS is additionally from Taiwan. The following PC, which merits a look, additionally comes from the little country in the circle of China: The Zephyrus G14 is likewise focused on innovative individuals, in the CES demo for instance at DJs, yet additionally comes from a ROG series, so rigorously talking not totally decoupled from the gaming region.

The ASUS ROG Zephyrus G14Q with customizable LED back.

Contrasted with the ConceptD model, the G14 isn’t completely on the exhibition track. Contingent upon the setup, the AMD Ryzen 4000 processor, which was additionally recently introduced at the CES, works here. Contrasted with the ConceptD scratch pad, the ASUS G14 doesn’t offer the tremendous presentation, however can be utilized as a work gadget substantially more versatile. On account of investment in Intel’s Athena project, the battery life is expanded. In any case: The ProArt StudioBook line is more liable for the opposition to Acer’s ConceptD at ASUS.

Back to the Zephyrus G14: The rear of the 1.6 kilogram PC is cool. A LED divider, called a grid LED, is worked in here, which can be customized and accordingly permits business introductions or DJ meetings specifically to have an extra, advanced marking factor.

Value (RRP) and accessibility in Germany: second quarter 2020; from 1,299 euros

ASUS ExpertBook – 870 grams of force

The following top journal likewise comes from ASUS: The ExpertBook is the work machine for the individuals who are consistently in a hurry and, most importantly, do numerous things simultaneously. At just 870 grams, the PC is ludicrously light.

The ASUS ExpertBook weighs less than 900 grams.

Any individual who believes that the specialized filling endures subsequently is off-base. Intel’s i7 (tenth era), 2 TB SSD and up to 16 GB of RAM are housed in the little case, which you need to become acclimated to because of the weight. The guarantee that ASUS is making with the ExpertBook is enormous.

Value (RRP) and accessibility in Germany: first quarter 2020; 1,799 euros

→ Test report

Mac MacBook Pro 16 – The Apple Way

The MacBook Pro 16, which Apple presented and brought onto the market in the fall, isn’t altogether new, yet in addition a major piece of the 2020 note pad setup. Contingent upon the arrangement, it works effectively with an i9 processor and up to 64 GB of RAM. This makes it a definitive work machine for each and every individual who is at home in the Apple universe. In spite of the touch bar, this MacBook additionally has a genuine, actual departure key.

The Apple Macbook Pro 16.

Albeit every one of the scratch pad introduced here are effectively in the four-digit value range, Apple is the most costly at the top. Apple energizes to 7,139 euros for the most extreme design and programming garnishes, for example, Final Cut and Logic Pro X are not yet included.

Value (RRP) and accessibility in Germany: currently accessible ; 3,199 to 7,139 euros

→ Without an i9 processor, the MacBook Pro 16 is accessible for under 3,000 euros.

Lenovo ThinkPad X1 Fold – the flexibility arrangement

Lenovo is showing the new ThinkPad X1 Fold at CES 2020. At the point when opened, it’s an immense tablet, however when collapsed, the gadget is more similar to the size of a netbook. In the practice of the Yogabook, there is no actual console here. What’s happening, in any case, is that there is currently a consistent showcase. Starting here of view, the ThinkPad X1 Fold is the main Windows gadget with a foldable presentation.

Strictly speaking, the Lenovo ThinkPad X1 Fold is the first Windows 10 device with a foldable display.

The X1 Fold is an ideal and useful friend because of the 13.3-inch show (unfurled) and the SIM card opening. In fact, this even empowers 5G network, however LTE Cat 20 help is at first more applicable. Intel processors of the tenth era are configurable (up to Core i7), with up to 8 GB of RAM.

The gadget isn’t modest. The ThinkPad X1 Fold is relied upon to hit the market from mid-2020. The MSRP that Lenovo utilizes is $ 2,499. It is conceivable that Lenovo leaves the number for its European deals and just changes the unit to euros.

Value (RRP) and accessibility in Germany: Not yet known

HP Specter X360 15 – More presentation, less bezels

HP is additionally presenting new options toward the start of 2020. The new journal of the Specter series, the Specter X360 15, sticks out. The 15.5-inch show that gives it its name drives the new plan idea: It has just an insignificant edge that contains the important innovation and the required webcam at the top. This prompts the promoting contention that 90% of the overlap out region is taken up by the showcase, the purported screen-to-body proportion.

The HP Specter x360 15 was introduced at CES 2020.

In any case, HP likewise utilizes a 4K touchscreen and the most recent innovation in its top of the line PC – relying upon the design. An Intel Core i7 processor of the tenth era is ideal here. Notwithstanding this data, the journal should in a perfect world deal 17 hours of battery life.

Value (RRP) and accessibility in Germany: From May 2020; 1,699 euros


At CES, we conversed with some PC producers and let us show us some news. However, not just at the reasonable in Las Vegas there was scratch pad news, watchword: the MacBook Pro 16 from Apple introduced in pre-winter or the Surface workstations from October.

This stayed with the different dates: There is consistently interest for superior execution from creatives and media experts. These were found chiefly in the gaming region. Such countless visual planners, video trained professionals and plan masters worked with gaming gear. The issue – these gadgets look unusual relying upon the perspective, to put it obtusely: spiked fans, LED logos and help components make the workstations look like spaceships. An unmistakable and useful plan is presently popular. The scope of machines with (in any event) gaming execution is developing consistently.


To get clear rivalries from this rundown would be to some degree pompous. Also, you can search for an element on pretty much every gadget and inquire: What do I really want it for? The application situations are clear, nonetheless, and there is no less than one, maybe just a little, target bunch for each. For the normal shopper, the machines, some of which cost a few thousand euros, are simply important partially in any case; For instance, if you shoot a ton and essentially semi-expertly in your extra energy or like to snack around on home recordings. Then, at that point, the equipment rulers make your turn out simpler for you, particularly in light of the fact that nothing jerks and surprisingly the delivering of the half-hour wedding video in 4K doesn’t take until the end of time.

The ASUS note pads in the rundown, which are more equipped towards portability and excellent skill, are principally focused on business clients: Field laborers who are consistently progressing and need and must be useful wherever will find what they are searching for here. Battery runtimes of as long as 23 hours are promoted. Indeed, even the most noticeably terrible obsessive worker can traverse the day at a large portion of that. If the ASUS journal is excessively little for you, you can squint toward HP from this choice, for instance. On the off chance that you likewise need to stand out and need to introduce your versatile substance now and then in little and here and there bigger, you ought to likewise incorporate the Lenovo ThinkPad X1 Fold in your contemplations.