Day 15 in the wilderness camp – the last day before the terrific finale. While the applicants sprinkle around joyfully in the water during their test, Danni talks an interesting mystery around the open air fire. Indeed, even Sven can at this point don’t respite and allows his resentment to run free. Whoever goes to the fabulous finale today and what else happened the previous evening at “I’m a star – Get me out of here”, we’ll tell you.

The RTL super dealer Markus Reinecke (center) has picked up his star from Prince Damien (left) and is trying to get to his marking.
Raúl Richter clings to his star.
Chapter by chapter list
1 A talk with Danni – obviously she stays discreet
2 Elena leaves – willfully
3 Water walk – The Fantastic Five battle for the stars
The assignment:
allow the games to start
fourth Cat war – that is sufficient for Sven
5 The up-and-comers of the last
Perhaps the hardest thing in the wilderness – precisely, the night watch. Basically for the exiled person Danni, who is known from “Farewell Germany” . Yet, the crying is over rapidly. Better a rubbish talk with a mysterious visit about Prince Damien with Raúlin the night watch. “It’s tragic when we need to go. Since he scarcely has any companions whatsoever or anything. Did he let me know he was a maverick at home. “Said the 41-year-old faintly. What’s more, further: “Yesterday at the test, he told me such countless things”. “He’s had nothing, consider it, never kissed, never engaged in sexual relations… Wow. That is the reason he doesn’t know whether he loves ladies or men. “However, stand by a moment, we recollect what the decent Danni as of late said on the wilderness telephone:” Secrets that I know about shouldn’t be uncovered under any conditions. I wouldn’t pass it on by the same token. “Ok indeed, not really good or bad – clearly she has failed to remember this insight once more. However, Raúl additionally recalls an abnormal second during the back rub he gave the DSDS champ: “I saw when I was rubbing him,
However, no more talking about sovereign Damian, presently Markus Reinecke is in the sights of the sacrilege sisters: “When he said yesterday that he is perceived all over the place, ladies snatch his butt, I thought: A garbage kid who is perceived all over the place ? I don’t comprehend the world any longer. Which lady snatches his bum? Certainly without glasses and visually impaired as a mole. Outside, Markus can at this point don’t save himself, grabbers, bras, underwear. Markus will be the new Saturday evening arbitrator of ‘Dodle something’ or something to that effect. “Then, at that point, Danni sees that it has become exceptionally tranquil in the camp for a couple of days. “No more obscenity, that is acceptable.” obviously, what Danni does isn’t reviled. Obviously not. In any case, Danni had known for quite a while which star needed to leave. “With Sonjathat was clear. If you talk and tattle so a lot, Markus has been fortunate up until now. That is the reason I won’t ever revile here! “. Obviously not, Danni!
The mediators report momentarily and compactly on the dropout of the day: “Elena, it’s you. You need to leave the camp. The rest remains. Bye. “However, Elena doesn’t appear to mind by any stretch of the imagination. “It doesn’t make any difference,” she rehashed over, finished, again and again after unmistakably she’s the following star to leave. “I can confront my little one and see my beau once more.” The 29-year-old even needs to comfort Prince Damien.
“Would we be able to begin since I truly need to go.” She begins her video approach the wilderness telephone. Somebody is in a rush. “I take this choice, all is well. Of course, it damages to be kicked out so quickly before the last. I’m thankful to have had this experience here! I know very well that I did everything right, “Elena proceeds. Be that as it may, when Elena is too far to hear, Danni blasts out: “I’m among the last five. I could never have imagined “. “I’m the toward the end in here, the last lady.” “Sorry, presently one of you generally needs to clean up with me!”
The last five wilderness legends remain – time for a game where every one of the leftover stars are sought after. Danni Büchner , Prince Damien , Sven Ottke , Raúl Richter and Markus Reinecke go directly from their dozing spot to the present wilderness test “Spring of the Stars”. Furnished with knee and elbow cushions just as defensive goggles, the stars need to remain on a turntable. From that point on, a pool of water with five huge stars and afterward an enormous, elusive covering with five story markings fans out. A story stamping for every test up-and-comer.
The errand:
Individual 1 first gathers the five monster yellow stars from the water bowl to then convey them to their floor stamping on the wet covering. After a green cloud can be seen, individual 2 is at last permitted to begin. This currently needs to get four of the five stars from individual 1 and carry them to their floor stamping. Then, at that point, individuals 3 to 5 beginning doing likewise. Be that as it may, with no obstructions, the test would be excessively simple. They are assaulted with huge breeze machines just as water and ooze guns constantly on the canvas.
Yet, even that would not be up to the requests in the wilderness camp by a wide margin. The inspired wilderness staff is permitted to run – so they besieged the campers with gigantic exercise balls. What fun. Toward the finish of the game, each star had a star on their floor marker. A brief commencement begins. Then, at that point, the campers need to attempt to keep their five stars on the separate stamping. Certainly not a simple errand.
allow the games to start
The famous people themselves concluded who can begin. The request: Danni, Sven, Raúl, Prince, Damien and Markus. What’s more, how about we go. Danni hurls herself entirely into the water and gets the five stars. Whomp, an activity ball smacks her directly in the face. Be that as it may, Danni doesn’t allow herself to get down and creeps down on the ground to her floor stamping. Sven slithers off, gets four stars from Danni and pulls to his marker. He just whipped heaps of water, wind and journey in the face.
Regardless of the tricky covering, Raúl begins with an alternate procedure: he approaches Sven standing, snatches three stars from the fighter and hurries to his marker. Be that as it may, what he didn’t see from the get go, it was some unacceptable one. Mediator Daniel Hartwich hollers through an amplifier in the stunning clamor of the climate: “Raúl, there is your star checking!”. In any case, Raúl doesn’t hear him. For a brief time frame the water masses flush Sven with the star from his imprint. Be that as it may, both catch one another and get (once more) to their stamping.
The DSDS champ starts and walks around the loathsomeness canvas as though it were his DSDS stage. However, in the blink of an eye before the 29-year-old arrives at his up-and-comer Raúl, the water masses and exercise balls push him to the edge of total collapse. “I think you’ve incited her now, Prince Damien,” chuckles Sonja, who is astounded at the seriousness of the ball assaults. Yet, even Prince Damien doesn’t allow himself to get down and creeps with two stars to his floor checking. The beginning went for Markus . However, when he gets his star from the DSDS star, he loses his equilibrium and furthermore his star. However, he additionally battles valiantly to his imprint.
“All in their position. A short ways from now! “Yells Daniel Hartwich. Presently the battle against dangerous tsunamis starts – garbage fox coasts down the canvas, meets Danni and both end up in the water bowl. Straightaway back to the position. Time is expiring and every one of the stars are in their situations with their stars. Five stars out of five! Cheers to the Fantastic Fife! “Hello young men, thank you for the Beach Party,” giggles Prince Damien to the camp staff. “Men and Danni, you did well indeed,” the arbitrators praise the effective ones.
Back at the camp, fighter Sven is going to detonate, notwithstanding the full star rating. The explanation: Danni Büchner and her assertions en route to the test. “Sven and Markus are the bulls here among us. They would rather not be told anything and are almost certain that they will wind up in the lead position and just go through one night in the lodging. They clear Prince, Raúl and me out of here and afterward they figure it out among themselves, “said Danni previously.
When the mother of five with a DSDS star is setting out toward the latrine, the fighter allows his outrage to run free: “She said we were alpha creatures and that we had as of now made the triumph between us – there was no reasonable word about the two of us. She truly got into a fury. In each meeting, I generally talked decidedly about her and presently she’s beating me in the face! I have such a neck. “Yet, so does MarkusThat’s sufficient: “It was extremely obvious to me that I wouldn’t coexist with her since i’m not sure how somebody can come here who isn’t yet prepared.” But Sven has certainly had enough of Danni: “Simply go on this pity visit – sooner or later that is dull as well. The most recent two days – I don’t converse with her any longer! Only silence! I might dare to dream that she doesn’t converse with me. “
The following morning Sonja and Daniel go to the camp to report the most extreme cut in this season – they toss two applicants out of the wilderness. The competitors are up. “Camper, you three will come to the last and can keep on living the large dream. For the remainder of the outing, shockingly, the excursion finishes now, “Daniel reported. It begins with Prince Damien . The energy is extraordinary and the DSDS star can barely wait for the declaration. He was even more charmed when he was informed that he was the main finalist and was permitted to go to the great finale. The strain keeps on rising. The subsequent finalist is Dannithat quickly begins crying with happiness and has not recuperated even minutes thereafter. The third and last pass to the last goes to fighter Sven . The up-and-comers Raúl and Markus need to leave the camp .