Wilderness Camp – Day 8: Elena and Danni – dearest companions

Day 8 in the wilderness camp. Relieving rest in the woods of Australia? Nothing. After the warm glass of cow piss toward the finish of the previous gala, the state of mind stays discouraged. Büchner-Danni irritates individual campers. Elena, who is consistently feeling terrible, has nothing to giggle about either – except for once that doesn’t have anything to do with the camp.

Day 8 – jungle test _The great Genöle_. 
Danni Büchner (left) and Elena Miras scream and squeak proudly with joy about the successful test.

Chapter by chapter guide

1 “The incomparable Genöle”: test joins Danni and Elena – isn’t that so?

2 The wilderness camp – a test of humankind ?!

3 The incredible weight of Elena M .: Youth Welfare Office brings on some issues

fourth Day 8 in the wilderness camp – what else occurred

Gracious indeed, it is an up and down ride of feelings that the observers, yet particularly the wilderness campers experience this year. Particularly between the Büchner widow Danni and the startling Elena it crashes over and over. In any case, a repeating theme appears to have crawled into the connection between the two ladies: If they need to go through a wilderness test together, they fail to remember their indignation. That is the thing that Elena thinks “We are joined in the test.”


The philosophy is additionally apparent in the wilderness test on the eighth day: the superstar ladies should take the following test together. This time she was not anticipating a 6-course menu, yet an information test. An easy decision do you think? Obviously not: Jens Büchner’s widow and the TV star each had 90 seconds to answer an aggregate of eleven inquiries. In any case, that is not all: While the mediators made the minds of the wilderness campers smoke, they need to fish the right replies out of sickening compartments.

“The Australian banner is comprised of three tones. Blue and …? “. “What is the last name of the government director of the CDU?” And further: “What is the name of Prince William’s younger sibling and his better half?” Is one of the inquiries. If Danni burrows the right reply ( Harry ) out of meat scraps and offal, Elena just finds the name “Hemsworth” in the tacky, dull mass of sludge. “You need to search for a lady’s name,” Danni knows at any rate – the stars actually don’t think of “Meghan” (Harry’s significant other). In any case: The packaged information on Malle-Danni and Miesepeter-Elena is sufficient for nine stars eventually – a record!

Coincidentally: After the test, the ones who have recently rejoined don’t have any desire to know at least something about one another. “I would rather not talk about her since everything’s with regards to her. This is driving me up the wall. I didn’t come here to discuss her constantly. Who right? “Elena protests. Danni drives her finger profound into the injury again – and drastically welcomes her dead spouse with a kiss in the sky.


After a week and a day, most campers can presently don’t smell one another. Aside from the infiltrating Danni Büchner show, Sonja Kirchberger empties herself into a speech loaded with questions and psycho-investigates this time. Your objective: the Büchner widow! She is exceptionally baffled with the manner in which the fact of the matter is managed, the entertainer opens up her nighttime contemplations. “What’s more, in the event that she had moved toward us somewhat more empathically … In any case, it was in every case just regrettable, negative, negative. I was unable to hear it any longer. “

Daylight Prince Damien, everything being equal, gets the endless speech . Sonja doesn’t appear to mind that the youthful vocalist doesn’t have a say. All things being equal, she speculates interest behind Danni’s central goal: “She says herself that she had no anguish stage. For what reason would she say she is so worried? She says she doesn’t need the crown. I don’t trust her! “


Not just Malle-Danni and the wide range of various wilderness campers make Elena insane. Notwithstanding the crummy and insubordinate nature of the 29-year-old, one neglects: the unscripted television star is additionally a mother. Also, she misses her little girl “actually gravely”.

Day 8 in camp, Elena Miras.

The way that the Swiss member in projects, for example, “Love Island” and Co. was her demise. An observer interfered into her protection and announced the youthful mother to the adolescent government assistance office moving along. “In view of my TV appearance. I’m forceful and my girl isn’t doing great with me. Such things. At the point when I looked into that, I would have rather not let it out and could hardly imagine how you can go that far despite the fact that you don’t have any acquaintance with me. “

Elena cries to Sonja while washing her garments. She tracks down the entire thing simply a “sham” and “unadulterated mediation”. Elena doesn’t yet have the foggiest idea how the young government assistance office will at last choose. The tension was extraordinary to the point that she needed to drop the wilderness camp – however in the end she traveled to the opposite apocalypse.


The campers actually have a couple of days in front of them – however the state of mind is turning. The forceful Elena feels incited particularly by her male individual campers and blames them for dread. “Everybody poop their jeans. What poop? “, She seethes opposite tattoo young lady Toni .

Day 8 in camp. 
Elena Miras (left) feels provoked by the male campers. 
Due to a sarcastic saying from Markus, her mood changes completely. 
She complains to Toni Trips.

Danni makes a big difference for her show: on the wilderness telephone, she questions the entire carnival – however keeps on rotating around herself. The ex-Büchner is certain that they are searching for a substitute. All things considered, she would rather not surrender: “I made it this far and I’ve generally been annoyed. I will not leave until they’ll dial me out. “

Marco begins to question himself. An unfamiliar word for fighter Sven – he never had it, he says. Luckily, washerwoman Sonja is there: “You have old agony that needs to go up. You have an extraordinary pity behind your eyes. “The 55-year-old prescribes a mentor to delicate Marco – yet not an advisor.

There were crying: Marco, 2 x Elena

It vomited: no one

Wiped out: Marco