Would you have known There are so many films and series on Amazon, Netflix and Co.

Whether Amazon Prime Video , Netflix or Disney +: Streaming services have long since replaced linear television . But which provider has the most films and series in its program and why is Apple in last place?

Would you have known 
There are so many films and series on Amazon, Netflix and Co.

Anyone who subscribes to a streaming service like Amazon Prime Video , Netflix or Disney + would like to know in advance how much they are getting for their money. Because there are clear differences in price. You pay only 4.99 euros per month for Apple TV + or TVNOW, while Sky Ticket costs 14.99 euros per month. But does a higher price also mean more content? Not necessarily, as the following analysis shows.


According to a study of the Casinoonline website, Netflix has the most films and series on offer. Just behind in second place: Amazon Prime Video. Both streaming services have over 5,000 films and series. According to the evaluation, the three cheapest streaming providers (TVNOW, Rakuten TV and Apple TV +) have the least content. Apple is far behind in last place with only 63 films and series. The following list shows the top 8 providers and the number of films and series available on the portals.

Netflix: 5,306
Amazon Prime Video: 5,288
Joyn +: 2,185
Sky Ticket: 1.914
Disney +: 1,582
TVNOW: 825
Rakuten TV: 274
Apple TV +: 63


Those who want a lot and want to pay comparatively little will be happy with Amazon Prime Video . Here you get almost as many films and series as on Netflix for 7.99 euros a month. If you want to see content in HD quality, you have to pay € 12.99 a month more at Netflix. At two euros more a month, Sky Ticket is the most expensive streaming service. With less than 2,000 films and series in the program, the price-performance ratio is not particularly good. Especially not when you compare it to Amazon Prime Video or Netflix.

But in the end it’s not just about how many films and series Amazon, Netflix, Disney + and Co. offer for streaming on their platform. For many, the individual content is more important. So if you subscribe to Amazon Prime Video, you get a lot of content for little money. Disney movies are only available from Disney +.