iOS users who spend a lot of time on YouTube should look forward to a long-awaited feature. According to the current announcement, the tricks and back and forth around safari have finally had their day.

For a long time, the iPhone and iPad have also offered the option of displaying videos in picture-in-picture mode (PiP for short, picture-in-picture). The actual app no longer has to run in the foreground. You can comfortably watch a film or series in a small window while surfing the Internet, for example. The problem: The app has to support this – so far this has not been the case with YouTube for iOS and iPadOS.
As MacRumors has now learned directly from the company, this should change soon. The picture-in-picture mode will therefore also be available in YouTube for iOS and will catch up with the Android version of the app.
YouTube told MacRumors that it will gradually roll out the function for all premium subscribers. So it can still take a while before you, as a paying YouTube user, can use the feature in iOS. An exact time for availability is not known.
In addition, this is apparently not a restriction to US users, as it occurs from time to time. The first users from Great Britain report in the MacRumors forum that they can already use the PiP function.
The feature should also be available for YouTube users without this subscription. However, it should take a little longer here. The company also says at the same time that this is only about regular users from the USA . Further details are currently not known.
The official support in the YouTube app for iOS means that you can save yourself the back and forth of the past weeks and months in the browser in the future. Here it was always possible to activate the picture-in-picture mode when opening a video in Safari.
However, this availability varied again and again . Sometimes it was active for all users, while a little later it was only available for premium subscribers. Some users have also resorted to Apple’s shortcuts app in the past to achieve the same effect.